RWE Teplárna Náchod, s.r.o.
Delivery of ecological heat. Production of heat and electricity. Heat distribution. Electricity distribution.
Delivery of ecological heat. Production of heat and electricity. Heat distribution. Electricity distribution.
AGRO CS, a.s. is currently one of the leading producers of fertilizers, grass seeds and substrates in Central and Eastern Europe. Our activities are divided into four main divisions: garden, agro-service division, engineering division and bioenergy division. Within our services we operate an accredited laboratory. Garden division Production, distribution, e-shop: - a comprehensive range of…
Complex energy solutions - industrial wiring, energy, technology for intelligent buildings and automation.
Production, distribution and sale of heat and domestic hot water.
Provádíme tyto služby: - svářečské práce - základní i speciální (ocel, hliník, nerezové materiály) - revize a zkoušky kotlů, tlakových nádob, kotelen a výměníkových stanic - modernizace, rekonstrukce, repase, opravy a údržbu kotlů, kotelen, výměníkových stanic - defektoskopie, t.j. měření tloušťky materiálů ultrazvukem, kapilární zkoušky - měření účinnosti kotlů a ekologie provozu -…
Plynoinstalatérství. Revize, rekonstrukce, montáž: -plynová zařízení -ústřední topení -vodovodní, kanalizační rozvody.
Services: -design of reconstructions and construction residential heating systems and non - residential buildings, boiler rooms and exchanger stations -regulation of heating systems, namely residential and non - residential buildings which are connected to the central supply heat, including block boilers -installation of thermostatic valves for radiators, installation …
Stavoka Hradec Králové a.s. - construction of pipelines, communication and power lines -land and engineering construction - road freight transport
The company Vodovody a kanalizace Hradec Králové, a. S. (VAK HK a. S.) Deals with the management of water supply and sewerage systems, production and supply of drinking water. We also offer comprehensive services in the field of municipal sewerage and wastewater treatment. We provide our services in the district of Hradec Králové and in parts of the districts of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Pardubice,…
Our company deals with: - selling electricity and natural gas - consulting in the field of energy - optimization of energy costs - preparation of documentation and subsequent implementation of the General Meeting according to Act No. 137/2006 Coll. - coordination of projects in the field of renewable resources - consulting activities in the field of management and regulation -…
TOPINGAS s.r.o .: -boiler rooms up to 50kW and over 50kW -exchange stations -heating of industrial buildings -heating of family houses and apartment houses units -piping air conditioning and cooling, including technology -industrial gas pipelines - STL, NTL -house gas pipelines -swimming pool technologies -water filtration -Heating hot water.
Výroba a prodej: -světelné zdroje -žárovky, žárovky pro osvětlení automobilů. Ubytování, ubytovna -tel.: 465 631 696.
Operation of water pipes and sewers.
Production, delivery: - heat. Boiler room K1 and K2. Services: - road and road maintenance - grass cutting - earthworks.
Rozvod a úprava vody. Čistírna odpadních vod: -telefon 494595654
Emergency service gas, heating, water, cleaning of waste pipes - phone: 736514904 Gas service, repairs, authorized service. Construction company, work: - masonry and tiling - gas plumbing - heating - plumbing - electrical installation - flooring Retail, Sales, Installation: - bathroom equipment - bathtubs, sinks - sanitary ceramics - RAF battery - bathroom…
The company DÉMOS, spol. s r.o. focuses on complete property management as well as construction and operation of boiler houses. We also provide our customers with all accounting, legal and technical services. The company head office can be found at Chodská 1115, Ústí nad Orlicí. Services: - property management and maintenance - heat management (heat production and distribution) - regular…
Maloobchod,prodej,servis,oprava,leasing, splátkový prodej: Počítače Pracovní stanice Notebooky Servery Příslušenství -výpočetní technika,počítače MIRONET, tiché počítače,software,hardware -výpočetní technika-značky: -BIOSTAR,ASUS,MSI*,ABIT,INTEL,AMD*, GIGABYTE,QUANTUM,WESTERN DIGITAL, SEAGATE,IBM*,NEC*,SAMSUNG,ATI*,ADI*, MATROX,REATIVE,TARGA,PHILIPS,SONY, EIZO…
Čerpací stanice.LPG. Prodej: - pohonné hmoty - oleje, maziva.
ENVIROS, s. r. o. , is an energy and environmental consultancy, which provides organisations with expert assistance in the public and private sector. We deliver long-term, sustainable value and with it progress on issues that cannot be ignored. We have a wide range of experience in the markets of the Czech Republic and other European and Asian countries. We have carried out a great number of…
Nabízíme poradenství v oblasti telekomunikací, energetiky a životního prostředí. Poskytujeme manažerské poradenství..
Virtual power plant. Uniformly monitored and dispatch-controlled virtual power plant system. Delivery, distribution: - electricity from renewable sources: - for customers in industry or services - for municipalities, cities - for households. Research, development: - projects in the field of electricity storage and virtual power plants.
We custom design and install technological units for energy saving. We help companies to reduce energy consumption, reduce their carbon footprint,
Pražská plynárenská, akciová společnost (PP, a.s.) It was established on 31 December 1993 from the former Pražské plynáreny, a branch of the state-owned company Český plynárenský podnik. Headquarters: Prague 1 - New Town National 37 Postcode 110 00 The largest shareholders of the company: Pražská plynárenská Holding, a. S., E.ON Czech Holding AG PP, a.s., is one of the most…
Business information center .. Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday 9 am - 6 pm, Friday 9 am - 12 pm Cash register: Monday to Thursday 9 am - 6 pm, Friday 9 am - 12 pm U Plynárny 500 (Michle Complex), 145 08 Prague 4, Building No. 37. Visiting hours: Monday to Thursday 9am - 6pm, Friday 9am - 12pm. Checkout: Monday to Thursday 9am - 6pm, Friday 9am - 12pm. There is also a mail…