Production and distribution of energies

Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

Eltom, s.r.o.

Company Eltom s.r.o. focuses on electrical work in the field of LV and MV voltage. We are engaged in the construction and maintenance of public lighting equipment, perform electrical inspections and earthworks, including temporary and definitive surface treatments. We operate mainly in the districts of Ostrava, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Opava and Nový Jičín. Electrical engineer work: - complex…

GLUMBÍK s.r.o. - Výstavba rekonstrukce plynovodů

GLUMBIK Ltd. Ostrava. Assembly, repairs, service, overhauls, tests: -reserved gas equipment -manufacturing equipment. Provision: -technical support. Production: -machinery and equipment for general purposes -metal structures, boilers, bodies, containers. Activity: -engineering in investment construction -design in building. Trade: -plumber, fitter - water -heating engineer …

ReSpol s.r.o. - Elektroinstalace Opava

Company ReSpol s.r.o. z Opavy deals with maintenance of high and low voltage electrical equipment. We assemble control systems of electricity consumption and transformer stations. We are also a recognized manufacturer of low voltage switchboards. We also successfully participate in the supply and installation of technological units for power engineering, including construction work. We operate…


Hledáte spolehlivého partnera v oblasti energetiky a teplárenství? Chcete být součástí sítě firem, univerzit a výzkumných středisek, které spolupracují na inovativních projektech pro budoucnost energetiky? Pak byste měli poznat NÁRODNÍ ENERGETICKÝ KLASTR, z.s. (NEK). NEK je sdružení, které vzniklo v roce 2008 z iniciativy soukromých společností a nevládních institucí, které významným způsobem…

Oldřich Černý

Prodej - technické plyny Montáž - plynové kotle především ARISTON prodej - kotle - náhradní díly Servis - plynové kotle (především ARISTON) Prodej - spotřební zboží Prodej - zámky Instalatérské práce