Na Rovnosti 1,
13000 Praha 3
ENVIROS, s. r. o. , is an energy and environmental consultancy, which provides organisations with expert assistance in the public and private sector. We deliver long-term, sustainable value and with it progress on issues that cannot be ignored. We have a wide range of experience in the markets of the Czech Republic and other European and Asian countries. We have carried out a great number of projects within the programmes of EU, WB, EBRD, USAID, Ecolinks and others.

Services provided:
-Energy audits in industry
-Energy audits of buildings
-Energy savings
-Energy saving projects
-Feasibility studies
-Assistance to governments
-International and multi-country projects
-IPPC, climate change, air protection
-Market research and consultancy to investors
-Environmental due diligence
-Training, promotion and dissemination
-Renewable sources and non-traditional power sources
-Energy savings financing
-Energy and environmental legislation and policies
-Energy passports of buildings
-Regional energy plans
-State support programmes
-Emission and air pollution reduction conceptions
-Emission trading
-Energy and environmental management (M&T), incl. software
-Subsidies, grants and financing
-Monitoring and Targeting
-Fuel cells
-Members of the free consulting network EKIS of the Czech Energy Agency.
ENVIROS, based in Prague and having offices in Ostrava and in Zlin, employs 25 employees, from which 20 of them are specialists in the area of energy, environment, economics, legislation, software, hardware and models, competent to carry out energy and environmental audits. We introduce energy management systems (M&T), develop strategic and feasibility studies and provide a wide range of consulting and promotional services.

  • ekologické projekty, ekologická zařízení, ochrana krajiny, ochrana vodních toků, péče o přírodu, projekce solární elektrárny
  • spotřeba elektrické energie, zabezpečení dodávek energií, vodní a větrné elektrárny, energetická úspora

Czech Companies
Environmental projects and equipment, Energetics