Production and distribution of energies

Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

Vodárenská správa Písek s.r.o.

Vodárenská správa Písek s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá provozem a údržbou vodovodních a kanalizačních sítí, čištěním odpadních vod a zásobováním pitnou vodou v regionu Písku a okolí. Mezi její hlavní činnosti patří: - Zajišťování kvality a dostupnosti pitné vody pro více než 60 tisíc obyvatel a průmyslových odběratelů. Společnost provozuje 14 vodáren, které čerpají vodu z podzemních…

EXO ENERGO s.r.o. - Elektromontáže České Budějovice

We provide comprehensive services in the field of electrical installations. It offers high voltage (MV) wiring from 1kV, low voltage (NV) to 1kV and low current systems. Wiring, wiring. High voltage (HV) from 1kV to 25kV: - ground distribution of HV cable sets - installation of cable support systems - implementation of MV substations, transformer stations and switching stations. …

Energo JC s.r.o.

Activity: - designing electrical equipment - engineering activity - supply of turnkey investment units - assembly and repair of electrical equipment - revision of electrical equipment and lightning rods - substation up to 35kV including revision - supplies of HV switchgear and transformers - electrical assembly work up to and above 1000 V - production of LV switchgear -…

ISATS Ing. Prašnička s.r.o.

Delivery, assembly, service: - heating plants, boiler rooms, exchange stations - creation of software for PLC, visualization - small hydropower plants - water treatment plants - reservoirs - wastewater treatment plants - gas station - reconstruction of technologies of weirs and water works - maintenance of selected electrical equipment and control systems.

evocati, s.r.o.

Crafts, services - electrical installation work, LV, HV, VHV electrical installation - work in energy construction - construction, reconstruction of railway, building structures - distribution lines, substations - ground and excavation work

Ing. Miloš Holeček

Design activity: - expert assessments of existing heating systems of buildings or industrial or other areas, including the calculation and design of the most economically advantageous variant of heating and hot water heating - heating of residential and non-residential premises - heating of industrial buildings and halls - steam, hot water, gas heating - reconstruction of boiler rooms and…

Ladab, s.r.o.

Návrhy - nízkoenergetické topné systémy včetně zajištění nebo vyhotovení projektové dokumentace Dodávka a montáž - solární kolektory Dodávka a montáž - tepelná čerpadla Dodávka, realizace - nízkoenergetické topné systémy