Production and distribution of energies

Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

BYTES Tábor s.r.o.

Services: -production and distribution of heat -property management and maintenance -repairs of motor vehicles - road freight transport - plumbing work -heating works -locksmithery. Assembly, repairs, maintenance and revision: - dedicated electrical equipment. Specialized retail in the field ambulance: - contracted dealer NOVA SERVIS ZNOJMO - lever batteries METALIA,…

E.ON Česká republika, s. r. o.

ELECTRICITY. Production, purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and provision of related services, i.e.: -purchase of electricity from electric power producers -power production in own sources -distribution system operation and control -electric supply and sale to consumers -construction and modernization of distribution system -measurement in distribution system,…

Jihočeská plynárenská, a.s.

Prodej: -zemní plyn -plnicí stanice CNG* (v areálu Jihočeská plynárenská). Výstavba: -plynovody -plynové přípojky. Poradenská činnost. Call centrum: 14050. Hlášení poruch, dispečink:tel.:1239. Provozovny: -Písek, Topělecká 423, tel.:382271083 -Tábor, U Čápova dvora 2762, tel.:381200715 -Pelhřimov, U Elektrárny 1965 -tel565326869

VODAK Humpolec, s.r.o. - provozování vodovodů, kanalizací

The core business of VODAK Humpolec, s.r.o. is the operation of water supply and sewerage systems and the supply of quality drinking water. Our other services include construction of new water mains, sewerage systems, waste water treatment plants, water reservoirs as well as their reconstruction. We also operate an accredited laboratory that analyzes drinking water, surface water, waste water and…

Ing. Josef Levák

Mapping: -water sources in the vicinity of houses, gardens, construction plots -optimal place for making a well or borehole, determining the exact depth, capacity and quality of the springs -forgotten engineering networks, lost valuable metal objects / rings, glasses, keys, earrings, etc./ with the help of Fisher 75 LTD and Gemini-3 depth detectors. Search: - geopathogenic zones -…

Ekoinvest Sokolov, spol. s r.o.

Design and implementation: -water management structures - water pipes and sewers - root sewage treatment plants* -revitalization of water courses -ponds and purpose-built reservoirs -waste dumps, including their sanitation - landscape ecology -modification of surfaces - construction of greenery -forestry and agricultural reclamation -geology -drilling work -…

TIMA, spol. s r.o.

Repairs: -public lighting -communication -electrical devices - gas appliances. Construction: -gas pipelines including projection. Buildings: - engineering -industrially. Plumbing: - gas, electricity. Cutting concrete and asphalt surfaces up to 22 cm. Rental of assembly platforms. Sale: -technical gases -elements of garden architecture - electrical installation…


The main business of KLATOVSKÁ TEPLÁRNA a.s. is the production and supply of heat and electricity. We also focus on the production and distribution of steam and hot water. By operating a centralized heat supply (DH), we try to minimize the negative impact of heat production on the environment. Our company is located at Jateční 660, Klatovy. Heating plant, production, supply, distribution: -…

Finlag, spol. s r.o. - Finlag

Firma Finlag, spol. s r.o. působí na trhu již více než 10 let za účelem podpory činností skupiny Replast, zejména v oblasti zajišťování elektrické energie z vodních a solárních zdrojů. V posledních letech rozšířila společnost svoji působnost o oblasti rekultivací a opětovného využití země a kamení pocházejících ze staveb drážních, dálničních a silničních koridorů.