Investment and real estate company Sale - grounds - houses - apartments - cottages, cottages - shopping areas
Advokátní kancelář - právo insolvenční, obchodní, občanské a korporátní Výkon rozhodnutí zástavy, vymáhání pohledávek
Advokátní kancelář - obchodní a korporátní právo - fúze a akvizice - prodej a transformace podniku
Law Office - general practice - civil and commercial law.
Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank
Zpracování - daně Zpracování - účetnictví - daňová evidence - mzdy
We provide accounting, tax records and payroll for our clients with a complete accounting service. We provide our services mainly in Prague and its surroundings, in the Central Bohemian and South Moravian regions. In today's electronic age, however, it is not a problem to provide our services anywhere in the Czech Republic.
Services: -intermediation of loans -comprehensive services to borrowers -financial advice -debt elimination -auctions - debt collection
Accounting for business entities, contributory, sports and school organizations, tax records, wages.
Tax consultancy Financial advice Accounting consultancy Comprehensive management of double-entry bookkeeping and tax records Processing of tax returns Payroll accounting, HR Representation at the authorities Contractual guarantees and prices Retrospective reconstruction of accounting Personal and property insurance Organizing courses and training
Sales representative Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.
Bank services Mediation - insurance
Knowledge - accounting - tax records Real estate management
Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank
We provide financial and grant advice for the revitalization of houses. We also provide technical training.
Služby - vedení účetnictví - daňová evidence - mzdová a personální agenda
Services: -financial advice.