Finances and law

Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

HEXA s.r.o.

Company HEXA s.r.o. provides accounting, tax and economic consulting. We offer comprehensive services in accounting and tax records. We provide services for small, medium and large companies, self-employed, cities, municipalities and non-profit organizations. Services:  - bookkeeping  - keeping tax records  - payroll processing, human resources  - processing of tax returns  - accounting,…

GLOPERA spol. s r.o.

The company GLOPERA spol. s r.o. deals with the preparation of security studies, the activities of forensic experts in the field of camera and security systems, technical and economic, design and assessment of large-scale camera systems, research and development in the field of rolling stock, assembly of door security systems, assembly and completion work. Activity: - preparation of security…

BASTO Invest s.r.o. - účetnictví

The company BASTO Invest s.r.o. based in Pilsen, offers its clients all tax, economic and insolvency advice. At the same time, we are also engaged in construction activities, such as the construction of turnkey houses. As part of our activities, we also offer bookkeeping and tax records, including the processing of tax returns, as well as all payroll. We also offer the preparation of…

Alutech Systems, s.r.o.

-Poskytování služeb pro zemědělství, zahradnictví, rybníkářství, lesnictví a myslivost -Chov zvířat a jejich výcvik (s výjimkou živočišné výroby) -Povrchové úpravy a svařování kovů a dalších materiálů -Výroba měřicích, zkušebních, navigačních, optických a fotografických přístrojů a zařízení -Výroba elektronických součástek, elektrických zařízení a výroba a opravy elektrických strojů,…

Šárka Muková

Property Appraiser: -estimates for notaries, execution proceedings, court, for the Office of the Inspectorate of the Interior - already from 1500 CZK, fast within 5 working days - I do not charge fares for the districts of Pilsen - city, Pilsen - north and Pilsen - south. - Central Bohemia region and South Bohemia region for an additional charge of 200, -CZK travel fee.