čp. 302,
73572 Petrovice u Karviné - Dolní Marklovice
Tax consultancy

Financial advice

Accounting consultancy

Comprehensive management of double-entry bookkeeping and tax records

Processing of tax returns

Payroll accounting, HR

Representation at the authorities

Contractual guarantees and prices

Retrospective reconstruction of accounting

Personal and property insurance

Organizing courses and training

  • návrhy pojistných smluv, zprostředkování pojištění, distribuce pojistných produktů, likvidace pojistných událostí, odborné poradenství
  • zpracování kompletního účetnictví, daňová evidence, ověřování pohledávek, přezkum hospodaření, nepovinné audity, daňové poradenství

Czech Companies
Insurance agents, Accounting, tax and audit services

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High-quality electricity meters for everybody

Nowadays, electricity meters are an essential part of our lives. We need them to measure our electricity consumption in residential houses, living quarters and administrative buildings, and they are also vital, for example, for energy management systems. Therefore, it is great to have a supplier you can rely on and which can deliver such devices every time you need them.