
Notaries can assist with the drafting of notarial acts, i.e., contracts and wills, as well as with the certification of the statement and documents, authentication of signatures and documents. They can receive into your custody the documents and money. They will help you with everything regarding inheritance, contracts and documents.

JUDr. Josef Lát - notář

Notary office JUDr. Josef Lát, based in Pardubice, offers you all notary services based on many years of experience. Our office employs a total of four professionals to help you resolve all your issues quickly, correctly and professionally. We provide notary services for companies, property contracts of spouses and transfers of property and real estate, including notary custody of money and…

JUDr. Ivo Havlíček - notářská kancelář

Notary office JUDr. Ivo Havlíček, based in Kroměříž, offers complete notary services in Kroměříž and Bystřice pod Hostýnem. We provide services for business corporations, such as the establishment of business companies and cooperatives and direct registration in the public register. We also provide comprehensive services for registration or changes to registration in the public register for…

Glazarová Soňa, Mgr.

Do you need notary services in and around Prague 2? Contact us! Offer of notarial services in all areas of commercial and civil law, in particular certification of general meetings of business corporations, drafting of purchase, gift, marriage contracts, wills, verification of signatures and agreement of documents, provision of statements and public records (real estate register, commercial…

JUDr. Olga Adamíra Čepelová, Ph.D. - notářka

I draw up public documents on legal acts (purchase contracts, gift contracts, marriage contracts, notarial records enabling execution - enforceability, establishment and changes of companies, business transfer agreements), I accept custody, I certify legally significant facts (general meetings) and declarations. I verify signatures and documents and I am the contact point of CzechPoint - I…

Mgr. Martin Palus - notář

Notary Mgr. Martin Palus provides comprehensive notary services according to the Notary Code. I offer services for families and their property, as well as for legal entities and companies. I also perform document verification and extracts from registers. Notary office - services: - family and property - inheritance law - verification and extracts from registers - legal persons and…

Notářská komora České republiky

The Chamber of Notaries of the Czech Republic is a legal entity based in Prague, which is made up of eight regional chambers of notaries. Each notary is a member of the regional chamber of notaries in whose district he has his seat. The Notary Chamber of the Czech Republic (Chamber) and regional notary chambers perform notary self-administration within their competences given by law. In the…

Jiříčková Markéta - notářka

Notářské služby: - ověřování podpisů a listin, včetně ověřování do zahraničí, konverze dokumentů, služby Czech Point - pozůstalostní řízení - činnost pověřeného soudního komisaře v obvodu Okresního soudu ve Zlíně - sepisování darovacích a kupních smluv, smluv o zřízení služebnosti (věcného břemene) - zakládání společností - osvědčení valných hromad a členských schůzí - přímé zápisy do…

Vencel Filip - notář

Provádím výkon veškeré činnosti notáře, kdy zejména sepisuji veřejné listiny o právních jednáních, osvědčuji právně významné skutečnosti a prohlášení, a přijímám listiny a peníze do notářské úschovy.