Investment activities

Investment activity in the administration of professional investment companies includes the preparation of investment, consideration of investment projects, water-management, construction and territorial management, active search for investors, market research and other necessary investor activity.

I.E.T. Reality, s.r.o.

The company I.E.T.Reality, s.r.o. in Brno with branches in Ostrava and Prague is a successful, dynamic and sought-after real estate agency, which has nationwide scope and has been providing complete real estate service and financial consultancy for more than 10 years. It specializes in auctions, auctions and investment opportunity search, sale and rental of real estate, whether it be flats,…

SANZ Group Czech s.r.o.

Společnost SANZ Group Czech, s. r. o. se zahraničním kapitálem zajišťuje komplexní služby v oblasti investic do realit, nemovitostí a podniků v celé České republice. Na těchto službách, které jsou ve svém portfoliu rozšířené o další návazné činnosti, se podílí jednotlivé divize, které jsou centralizovány pod jednou střechou v kancelářích v centru Prahy.

Lynx B.V., organizační složka

Provision of main investment services according to § 4 paragraph 2 of Act No. 256/2004 Coll. on Doing Business on the Capital Market, as amended ("ZoPKT"): - execution of instructions concerning investment instruments on behalf of the client pursuant to § 3, par. a) - d), f) - i) ZoPKT; - investment advice concerning investment instruments pursuant to § 3, paragraph 1, letter a) - k) ZoPKT.