ŘÍHA GROUP, spol. s r.o.
Production, sale, service of compressors: - EKOMAK, COMPAIR - GARDNER DENVER, CECCATO - accessories for compressed air treatment - compressed air distribution - design and projection of compressor stations.
Production, sale, service of compressors: - EKOMAK, COMPAIR - GARDNER DENVER, CECCATO - accessories for compressed air treatment - compressed air distribution - design and projection of compressor stations.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej, obchodní činnost kompresory CompAir, Ceccato.
Eshop, online store with technical equipment: - AGM batteries - vacuum machines, packages, vacuum bags - petrol and diesel engines - motor and water pumps - generators, generators - dehumidifiers, air heaters - sludge pumps - workshop presses - welding technology - packaging technology. Rental, hire: - vacuum machines - pumps - aggregates - dehumidifiers.
The company Elektroslužby Jaroslav Mocek, s.r.o. In Valašské Meziříčí, it offers you professional services in the field of electronics. Based on many years of experience, it provides you with a fast and effective solution for - performing electrical installation work - repairs and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors - repairs of transformers to power - cable fault targeting -…
Montáže, servis: - tepelná čerpadla - klimatizace, rekuperace - fotovoltaika.
Služby v oblasti fotovoltaiky, tepelných čerpadel, klimatizace, úspory energií a chytré domácnosti včetně vyřízení dotací. Řešení na klíč. Montáže: - fotovoltaické systémy - tepelná čerpadla - rekuperace - klimatizace - chytrá domácnost.
Elektromontážní a elektroinstalační práce. Montáž: - elektroinstalace-rozvody do RD i průmyslových objektů - solárních systémů a kolektorů - tepelných čerpadel - klimatizace - rekuperace.
Montáž, instalace, servis: - klimatizace do bytu - nástěnné, stropní, multisplit - tepelná čerpadla.
Montáže, servis: - tepelná čerpadla - rekuperace - kondenzační plynové kotle - elektrické kotle - zásobníkové ohřívače TUV - solární systémy - regulační systémy - termostaty, diferenční regulátory. Revize a zkoušky plynových zařízení.ENÍ
Elektro plyn servis. Servis, opravy, prohlídky, revize plynových, elektro kotlů a tepelných čerpadel. Revize elektrických zařízení a spotřebičů.
Vodo topo.plyn, Tepelná čerpadla.
Our company is engaged in wholesale and retail sales in the areas of heating, sanitation, installation materials. Heating: - radiators: - articulated cast iron, steel, aluminum - board - bathroom fixtures - convectors - Fan coils - boilers - water heaters - reservoirs and pressure vessels - expansion - fittings and radiator fittings. Health: - medical ceramics -…
COMPLEX SERVICES IN AREA OF PRODUCTION AND ADJUSTMENT OF PRESSURE AIR: -screw compressors -piston compressors -driers -filters -compressor stations "turn-key". Direct representation and expert sale of devices from firms: -POWER SYSTEM, FIAC, FRIULAIR, ETHAFILTER. SALE AND SERVICE: -COMPRESSORS SCREW AND PISTON (source of pressure air) -screw stationary -piston-de-noised, oil free…
Construction activity: - apartment construction - family houses - industrial buildings - reconstruction - earthworks Work: - plumbing - heating - gas installation - installation of heat pumps Wiring (photovoltaic systems, power plants).
Installations in the field of HVAC - technical equipment of buildings: - water - heating - gas - for new constructions and reconstructions of family houses, industrial buildings and production halls. Assembly: - boiler room - heat exchanger stations - solar collectors - heat pumps - air conditioning. Reconstruction: - distribution of water, gas, sewerage in prefabricated…
Delivery: - Hotjet and Master Therm air-to-water heat pumps for - solar water heating for family houses, cottages.
Sales, retail, wholesale, service: - pumps - fittings - ball valves - manometers, hoses - bearings and accessories - components for linear movements - bearing lubricants and lubrication systems - diagnosis of bearings and equipment - industrial sealing elements - transmission belts and accessories - rubber springs - silenblocks - components for air distributions, hydraulic…
Authorized dealer and importer of tools DEWALT, Black-Decker, STANLEY. Eshop, sale: - Battery, hand tools - electric tools - gardening tools - measuring instruments - compressors - workshop equipment - spare parts.
Sales, repair, service MOUNTFIELD: - garden equipment, tools -mowers, saws, brushcutters, garden tractors, pumps, shredders garden waste, cultivators - sprayers, pressure washers, hoses - power plants, welding machines -pools and sails, toys, Madison bikes -garden furniture.
Maloobchod, prodej, oprava: -čerpadla, SIGMA WILO, PENTAX PEDROLLO, GRUNDFOS DAE* KSB* -vodárny -teplovodní technika, včetně oprav -závlahové systémy -plastové potrubí a tvarovky z polyetylenu a polypropylenu.
The company POLÁČEK P + M s.r.o. deals with the sale, service of forest, garden and construction equipment, sale, grinding and service of circular and band saws. Our principle is that machines leaving our company must be properly demonstrated and tested to the customer. We are an authorized dealer of major global brands for the Vsetín region, such as STIHL, VIKING, VARI, HONDA, SECO, STIGA. …
Delivery, assembly, installation: - air conditioning - heat pumps - ventilation system - electronic security - camera systems.
Práce, montáž, instalace: -domovní: -topenářské, topenářství, topo, topení -vodoinstalatérské, vodoinstalační -plynařské, plynu, plynoinstalace. Dodávka, montáž: -tepelná čerpadla -solární kolektory -automatické kotle -plynové kotle -kotle na tuhá paliva -otopné systémy: -radiátory, podlahové topení.
Eshop, internet sales, supply of plumbing, heating material: - faucets - sanitary ware - bathroom furniture - kitchen sinks - heaters - pumps and valves for heating
Sales, assembly, installation: -air conditioning, air conditioning -heat pumps -cooling equipment - cooling and freezing boxes.