Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment

Utilize a wide range of stationary or moveable compressor stations. Offer includes dental, oil free, oil-filled, soundproofed, food, auxiliary, screw and vertical compressors, including all accessories.

ZDENĚK VORLICKÝ, stavební stroje - Praha stavební míchačky e-shop

Sale, service, bazaar and rental of small building machinery VOREL. BUILDING MACHINES. - gravity mixers - forced mixers - hand cutters for tiling and paving - interlocking pavers - Adhesive and grout mixers - diamond table saws - submersible vibrators - vibrating bars, rammers, unidirectional and bidirectional plates, rollers - Vibration rammers feet - joint cutters - ski lifts -…

Thermoquell CZ s.r.o. - Průmyslové armatury Praha

Company Thermoquell CZ s.r.o. is a wholesaler and retailer of plumbing and heating equipment and is a subsidiary of the German wholesale group Thermoquell Boerner GmbH. Specializing in the supply of pumps and fittings for the construction of machinery and building equipment. Our offer consists of:  - boilers, heaters  - exchangers, pumps  - thermometers, manometers  - radiators  -…

Midvest s.r.o.

Midvest s.r.o.: Společnost Midvest s.r.o. je obchodně inženýrskou organizací se sídlem v Praze. Její činnost se zaměřuje na realitní a telekomunikační projekty. Zde jsou některé klíčové aspekty jejich činnosti: Realitní projekty: - Projektová příprava staveb: Midvest poskytuje projekční přípravu pro stavební a územní řízení. To zahrnuje návrhy dispozičních řešení a pasportizaci objektů. …

KM WELLS s.r.o. - vrtané studny, geotermální vrty

Hledáte firmu, která se specializuje na vrtané studny, geotermální vrty pro tepelná čerpadla a instalaci čerpací techniky a tepelných čerpadel? Potom je pro vás tou správnou volbou společnost KM WELLS s.r.o. Zapomeňte na obíhání úřadů. S námi budete v klidu. Vyřídíme, co bude potřeba. KM WELLS s.r.o. je vašim spolehlivým partnerem pro vrtané studny i geotermální vrty. Naše práce zahrnují: …

AmanTop s.r.o.

The company AmanTop s.r.o offers its customers all services related to architecture and project activities in construction. We also deal with the implementation of constructions, their change and removal, engineering activities and, last but not least, the installation of heat pumps. Our activities include, for example, 3D visualizations and interior designs, negotiations with authorities,…

Zdeněk Honzík - VVK s.r.o.

The company Zdeněk Honzík - VVK s.r.o. deals with the supply of air conditioning, air conditioning and heating for a number of buildings and direct investors. Supply and installation of heat pumps. We provide complete services, including M&R, from design to revival and commissioning. We have our own authorized designer and are therefore able to design the customer's wishes. We carry out…

Vladimír Rytina - Kompresory

The company Vladimír Rytina - Kompresory deals mainly with the sale of piston and screw compressors of the brands Orlík and Atmos. Warranty and post-warranty repairs and servicing of compressors are a matter of course, including old types of the JSK and JVK series. As part of our activity, we also rent out compressors and carry out revisions of pressure vessels and air distribution systems. …

Gefest K.K.K., s.r.o. - Instalatérské a topenářské práce Praha

The company Gefest K.K.K., s.r.o. provides all services for corporate and private clients. Our main activities include the construction of low-energy houses, family houses, foundation slabs and reconstruction of family houses. We implement facades, insulation and thermal insulation. Building: - family houses - Lowenergy houses - base plates - rough constructions. Work: -…

ACETEX s.r.o.

We provide a comprehensive service in the field of installation of photovoltaic power plants and heat pumps. We will assess the energy requirements of the building, propose an optimal solution, ensure professional installation including revision, and help obtain a state subsidy. We provide initial consultations completely free of charge.

hp energy s.r.o.

Jsme tým odborníků na instalace tepelných čerpadel do rodinných domů se zkušenostmi a znalostmi od velkých firem z oboru. Jelikož nám přijde férové a správné dodávat pouze kvalitní tepelná čerpadla a provádět montáže tak jako k sobě domů, rozhodli jsme se opustit naše předchozí zaměstnavatele a založit novou společnost s čistým štítem. Realizujeme komplexní dodání tepelných čerpadel, tak jako k…

ACE - Tepelná čerpadla s.r.o.

The company ACE - Heat pumps s.r.o. focuses on activities related to heating buildings. We provide installation of heat pumps, air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, recuperation units and the like. We supply all installations for family or apartment houses, but also for industrial and commercial use. We offer heat pumps from Czech manufacturers, which excel in quality and low purchase…

IVT Tepelná čerpadla s.r.o.

Company IVT Heat pumps s.r.o. specializes in delivery, installation and service of Swedish heat pumps IVT. Our range includes air / water, ground / water, air / air, water / water heat pumps as well as storage tanks, accumulators, getAir ventilation units and other products. You can find us at the address of Československého exilu 2062/8, Prague. Sale, assembly, repair, service: - IVT heat…

KAVOLT s.r.o.

Our company Kavolt s.r.o, based in Prague, has been providing comprehensive services in the field of electronics for more than 10 years. Our activities include: - construction and reconstruction of cable networks and public lighting - installation, repair and inspection of dedicated electrical equipment - preparatory and finishing work for buildings - earthworks and elevation works…

KLIMA - Vytápění, s.r.o.

Our company KLIMA - Heating: s.r.o. based in Prague offers its customers installation, repair and service of air conditioning equipment for apartments and offices, heat pumps and industrial air conditioning. We offer our services to customers throughout the Czech Republic. Our services: - assembly, repairs and service - air conditioning equipment for apartments and offices - heat…

Alklimont s.r.o.

Air conditioning, air conditioning and heat pumps will take care of all this for you by Alklimont s.r.o. We focus on the supply, installation and service of these devices from design to implementation. We also perform repairs and servicing of air conditioning, mandatory inspections of refrigerant leaks according to Act No. 86/2002 Coll. and we also provide consulting services in the field of air…

multi option s.r.o.

The company multi option s.r.o. based in Prague deals with the implementation of air conditioning, air conditioning and heat pumps. We offer comprehensive work including delivery, assembly and regular service. We implement everything based on the customer's requirements. We have experience with both small and large orders. We perform our work with high quality, on time and under pre-agreed…

exprace.cz s.r.o. - geotermální vrty a vrtané studny

Firma exprace.cz s.r.o., se sídlem v Praze, se specializuje na poskytování široké škály vrtných služeb s důrazem na ekologická a efektivní řešení. S více než dlouholetou zkušeností na trhu a týmem odborníků nabízí komplexní a profesionální přístup ke každému projektu. Hlavní činnost firmy zahrnuje: Geotermální vrty: Geotermální vrty představují nejvýhodnější, ekologický a zcela nezávislý…


We have solutions for heating and cooling your home. We are an authorized service for installation and service of gas boilers, heat pumps and air conditioners. We offer our services throughout the Czech Republic. Among other things, we also install underfloor heating.

S-Power Energies, s.r.o.

Czech company S-Power s.r.o. based in Prague, has been involved in the design and installation of renewable resources for a long time. We specialize primarily in photovoltaic power plants and heat pumps, both for households and corporate customers. . We offer rooftop photovoltaics and electricity storage systems, installation of air/water and ground/water heat pumps - both for households and…

ElmonTech s.r.o.

The company ElmonTech s.r.o. is a specialist in air conditioning for your house, apartment and office. We offer sales, professional installation and service in the field of air conditioning technology for apartments, houses and commercial buildings. We also specialize in heat pumps and recovery units. In every field of our activity, we draw on many years of practical experience gained…