Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment

Utilize a wide range of stationary or moveable compressor stations. Offer includes dental, oil free, oil-filled, soundproofed, food, auxiliary, screw and vertical compressors, including all accessories.

Pavel Krotký

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro montáž a servis klimatizace, tepelných čerpadel či elektroinstalace? Firma Pavel Krotký je tu pro vás! Nacházíme se na adrese Vesce 26, Moravské Budějovice, a jsme připraveni vám nabídnout špičkové služby v oblasti klimatizačních systémů a elektroinstalací. Naše služby zahrnují: - montáž a servis klimatizace značek Mitsubishi, Dražice, Bosch, Enbra a…

Chlazení Vápeník

The company Chlazení Vápeník deals with the supply and installation of cooling and freezing equipment, air conditioning and heat pumps. We provide a complete service for refrigeration technologies, whether it is air conditioning, cooling or freezing boxes or industrial applications. We install reliable heat pumps from renowned manufacturers. Contact us to choose a heat pump. We will help…

Martin Hrazdíra

Work: -plumbing and heating -reconstruction of bathrooms -repairs and maintenance of all types and brands of pipes -distribution in all available types of material -repairs, pipe replacements -repairs of appliances and reconstruction of water distribution -small plumbing repairs in the home -extensive assembly, -repairs and installation of heating system in family panel, apartment…

TECES s.r.o.

The company TECES s.r.o. based in Jihlava, has been dealing with the supply and installation of industrial and domestic distribution systems since 2003. As part of our activity, we offer all plumbing and heating works, including the installation of solar systems and heat pumps. At the same time as the offered works, we also carry out locksmith works. We operate primarily in the Jihlava district…

Servis chlazení Matějíček s.r.o.

Our company deals with repairs and designs of refrigeration equipment, air conditioning for residential and commercial premises as well as car air conditioning. We always try to design the most effective solution according to your requirements. Service, installation, repairs and designs are provided by specially trained staff. We provide repairs, supply, installation and servicing of…

Břetislav Matějíček kompresory s.r.o.

Company Břetislav Matějíček compressors s.r.o. focuses on the repair and service of compressors, refrigeration equipment, air conditioning, heat pumps and draft equipment of various brands. Our activities also include installation of heat pumps, air-conditioning and production of draft counters. We have extensive experience in the field, operating in the whole Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland,…


Energy is being talked about more and more these days. ZTC Holding therefore focused on this important area. Our company brings you quality technologies for the production of energy from renewable sources, such as solar modules, solar collectors, heat pumps. Thanks to the selection of the highest quality components from Germany, Norway, Taiwan, but also from Chinese production, we guarantee top…

TVEZ Bártek

Společnost TVEZ Bártek poskytuje širokou škálu služeb v oblasti vytápění, instalatérství, elektřiny a zednictví. Ať už potřebujete opravit, vyměnit nebo nainstalovat něco nového, my to zvládneme. Máme zkušenosti s rekonstrukcí rodinných domů, bytů, koupelen a dalších prostor. Dokážeme vám vytvořit 3D návrh vaší vysněné koupelny. Zajistíme vám montáž a údržbu tepelných čerpadel, plynových kotlů,…

KA - TOP s.r.o.

Firma KA - TOP s.r.o. se ve Velkém Meziříčí v okrese Žďár nad Sázavou specializuje na velkoobchodní a maloobchodní prodej veškerého topenářského a vodoinstalatérského materiálu pro firmy, řemeslníky a domácí kutily. Současně prodáváme krby, krbová kamna, sporáky, kouřovinu a náhradní díly. Nabízíme také vybavení koupelen a ohřívače vody a čerpadla. Samozřejmostí je také poradenská, montážní a…

Josef Navrátil - plynoservis

The company Josef Navrátil, based in the village of Oponešice in the district of Třebíč, deals with all gas works, including heating works, revision of gas equipment, as well as installation and servicing of heating technology. We deliver all orders completely on a turnkey basis. We offer, for example, the sale and installation of new condensing boilers and heat pumps. We also carry out…

Stanislav Svatek s.r.o.

Installation of water, heating, gas and steam. Mixing colors while waiting. Production of keys. Tailor-made division of metallurgical material. NTL and STL gas distributions Construction: -boiler plants up to 3.5MW -central heating, water distribution, waste distribution - exchange stations - heat pumps -solar water heating and heating - gasification of production halls and…