Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment

Utilize a wide range of stationary or moveable compressor stations. Offer includes dental, oil free, oil-filled, soundproofed, food, auxiliary, screw and vertical compressors, including all accessories.

KRES spol. s r.o. - servis elektronářadí, čerpadel, motorů

Krnovsky elektroservis KRES spol. Ltd. specializes in the repair of electric motors, pumps and transformers. In our shop in Krnov you will find workshop equipment in the form of professional tools of quality and proven brands. We also focus on repairs and servicing of power tools, and cooperative production of traction electric motors. You can find the shops in Krnov and Opava, where you can…

Transportní technika Tůma s.r.o.

Company Transport Technology Tůma s.r.o. is engaged in the supply of components for drives, transport technology and pneumatic distribution. Its range covers a wide range of supply requirements for components such as Festo pneumatic components, conveyor belts, belts, bearings, oil seals, chains and castors. The head office is in Opava, where there are offices and warehouse. You can also visit the…

OSPOL TECH s.r.o. - Elektrocentrály, kompresory Ostrava

OSPOL TECH s.r.o. is a specialized company dealing with compressed air (compressors), spare power sources (power generators, diesel generators), custom production of milled and turned parts and rental of compressors and power generators. Sale, e-shop, service, rental and rental of compressors, power generators, pneumatic tools, filtration: - reciprocating compressors - screw - mobile -…

Roman Juřík - Prodej a servis průmyslových armatur

You can use our assortment in the sectors of heating, water, gas, food, energy, chemistry and petrochemistry. Service and installation of fittings. Retail, wholesale, sale: HAWLE fittings:  - industrial fittings  - pressure fittings  - butterfly valves  - ball valves  - conical taps  - air distribution valves  - shut-off valves  - venting and venting valves  - control valves  -…

ARCTIS Čeleda, s.r.o.

Service, delivery, installation: - refrigeration technology - industrial cooling - household cooling - authorized warranty service of Electrolux, AEG, ZANUSSI, LIEBHERR, VESTFROST, NORDLINE, SNAIGE, ROMO and Whirlpool brands - cooling to shops, establishments - cooling, freezing boxes - refrigerating, freezing furniture, - tap equipment, beverage cooling. Assembly, service,…

Pavel Šomek - Instalservis

The company Pavel Šomek - Instalservis has many years of experience in the field of plumbing work. We provide distribution of cold and hot water, central heating, all work related to gas equipment, installation of thermostatic valves on central heating, water meters, replacement of boilers and instantaneous water heaters, as well as the reconstruction of bathrooms. You can find us at Nádražní 545…

Simply House s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která vám pomůže s realizací fotovoltaické elektrárny, montáží tepelného čerpadla, elektroinstalacemi či stavebními pracemi, pak je Simply House s.r.o. tou pravou volbou pro vás. Počátky firmy se datují od roku 1995, kdy jsme začali se stavební a elektroinstalační činností. Od té doby se firma vyvíjela a postupně svoji činnost rozšířila na…

Milan Šulavík - instalatér, topenář

Pokud hledáte spolehlivého a zkušeného instalatéra a topenáře v okrese Bruntál, pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Milan Šulavík. Tato firma se zabývá instalatérskými a topenářskými pracemi již více než 25 let a nabízí kvalitní a profesionální služby za rozumné ceny. Firma Milan Šulavík provádí montáž ústředního vytápění, vodoinstalace, montáže kotlů, rekuperačních jednotek, solárních…

HEGAs, s.r.o. - topné systémy

Company HEGAs, s.r.o. has more than twenty years of experience in the realization and design of heating systems for companies, houses or industrial buildings. We will help you choose the most suitable heating method with the lowest possible operating costs. We realize our turnkey projects. From project development, through subsequent implementation to service. Design, realization, service:  -…

ADAMEC - ADRO s.r.o. - Adamec Lukáš

Sales, service and transport company ADAMEC - ADRO s.r.o. specializes in the sale of spare parts, filters, oils, pumps and industrial nozzles with accessories. Among other things, it also provides service and supply of spare parts for special machines of the Ropa, Merlo, Rau and other brands. The main activity is the service and repair of large agricultural machinery such as ROPA harvesters…

SUNNY FARM Energy s.r.o.

The company SUNNY FARM Energy s.r.o. has a team of engineers and electrical engineers. He will suggest a combination of efficient use of photovoltaics and heat pumps. Everything comprehensively and in the shortest possible time. They will handle subsidies for photovoltaics for you.

Lukáš Drahoš

Lukáš Drahoš focuses on the production, sale and servicing of HVAC equipment and heat pumps as part of its business activities. You can find us at Bedřich Václavka 989/8, Ostrava - Bělský Les. Production, sale, repair, service: - ventilation system - air conditioning - HVAC equipment - heat pumps. If you are looking for an expert in the field of HVAC in Ostrava, do not hesitate to use…

Richard Gabriš - GAST s.r.o.

The company GAST s.r.o. based in the Frýdek-Místek district for more than 20 years, offers its customers activities in the fields of heating, plumbing, gas, sanitation - water-gas-heating, installation of Swedish heat pumps brand NIBE, underfloor heating and gas boilers over 100 kWh. We also offer installation and inspection of gas, gas boilers and appliances, and we also perform installation of…

MARATOP - Radka Marášková

The Maratop company has many years of experience in the field of gas boilers and heat pumps. We specialize in the supply, installation, service and also revision of gas boilers. We focus mainly on Kovarson, Viadrus, Gekon, Makak and Adax boilers. We offer heat pumps not only for family homes, but also for apartment buildings or large companies. In our portfolio you will find Lynx air-water…