Centritech s.r.o.
Service: - screw and centrifugal compressors. Sales Department: - Přemyslovců 529/37, Opava - Jaktař - phone number 604487678.
Service: - screw and centrifugal compressors. Sales Department: - Přemyslovců 529/37, Opava - Jaktař - phone number 604487678.
Autorizovaný prodej, servis, oprava: -kompresory-ATLAS COMPCO -náhradní díly -příslušenství pro výrobu stlačeného vzduchu -mobilní generátory elektřiny.
Prodej, pronájem, půjčovna, oprava, servis: - vysokotlaké vodní paprsky - velkoplošné ocelové pažení - ucpávky potrubí - systémové bednění - stavební mechanizace-stroje. Maloobchod, prodej: - sanační hmoty - stavební chemie - těsnění staveb.
Assembly, repair, service, revision: - gas equipment - pressure equipment. Supply and installation of pipelines and technologies (material class 11-17, Al, Cu) Production and assembly: - steel constructions - compensators.
We are lessors of forklift equipment. We are engaged in the rental and sale of equipment, machines and construction units, such as compressors, generators, work platforms, suspended work platforms and construction machines. We offer rental, sale and transport.
We rent work platforms and other high-lift equipment. We are engaged in the rental and sale of equipment, machines and construction units, such as compressors, generators, work platforms, suspended work platforms and construction machines. We offer rental, sale and transport.
Development, production, supply, repair, service: - tools - machinery and technology intended for coal mining and mining.
Sales, assembly, wholesale: - pumps - armatures -accessories. Delivery: - metallurgical material
Repair, service: - injection pumps.
Poskytujeme energetické poradenství. Dodávky, montáže: - tepelná čerpadla - solární systémy - plynové kotle - podlahové vytápění. Servis: - plynová zařízení. Práce: - topenářské - plynařské.
Prodej, servis, oprava: - čerpadla MYSON.
The company KRYON & Co s.r.o. in Ostrava deals with the sale, service and assembly of air conditioning and cooling equipment and is the exclusive representative of LG - air conditioning in the Czech Republic. Company KRYON & Co s.r.o. Since 1995, it has been supplying you with LG air-conditioning systems, which are equipped with a number of filters ensuring that the air in the room is always…
Dodávka, prodej, montáž, oprava, servis: - tepelná čerpadla IVT - topné systémy. Konzultační a poradenská činnost v alternativních zdrojích energií.
Wholesale, retail, sale, import, import: - pumps - compressors - fittings - safety and shut-off valves - measuring devices for tank trucks - non-explosive electric motors.
Sales, repairs, service: - electric motors - pumps. Wholesale, retail, sale: - enamelled copper wires (conductors) - electrical and electrical insulation material. Production of equipment for protection against soil contamination with oil derivatives.
The company PNEUKOM, spol. s r.o. acts as a supplier of compressor stations and pneumatic systems. We provide complete services, design, delivery, installation, servicing, including environmental disposal. Design, delivery, installation, service, e-shop: - compressor stations - pneumatic systems. Compressor stations: - screw compressors - turbochargers - mobile compressors -…
Výroba: - nádstavbové produkty TnG. Dodávka, montáž: - tepelná čerpadla - fotovoltaické panely, články, elektrárny (solární).
The company TDO clima, spol. s.r.o. has been providing customers with comprehensive services in the field of air conditioning, refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, measurement, regulation, projection, supply, assembly and service for residential, commercial and industrial premises for a long time. As part of its activities, TDO clima, spol. s.r.o. focuses on providing these services and…
Sales, e-shop: - heating, water heaters - boilers - fireplaces - fireplace stoves - solar systems - radiators - water works - pumps - bathrooms - kitchen - stoves - tools.
Voda, topení, plyn. Práce: - vodoinstalatérské - topenářské - plynařské. Montáž: - solární systémy - tepelná čerpadla.
Výhradní dovozce do České republiky. Stavební stroje, manipulační stroje: -smykem řízené nakladače -bagry -teleskopické manipulátory -vibrační a hutnící technika -pěchy -desky -příslušenství a náhradních díly -pásové, kolové, čelní nakladače -pásová rypadla -kompresory -komunální technika -elektrocentrály, generátory. Prodej, záruční a pozáruční servis, …
Comprehensive delivery, repair, service, assembly: -air conditioning systems and heating pumps.
The company TTM Morava s.r.o. since 1998, it has been providing a complete maintenance service in the areas of construction, heating, solar systems, air conditioning and air conditioning. It emphasizes the quality of the services provided and maximum customer satisfaction. The company TTM Morava s.r.o. provides design, budgeting and comprehensive supplier service in these fields -…
Production, service: - pumps. Energy: - nuclear - thermal - water. Petrochemicals: - transportation, processing of crude oil, petroleum products.
Internetový obchod: - nářadí pro řemeslníky, instalatéry, zahrádkáře, topenáře - grily a grilovací pomůcky(grilovací motorky, jehly, rošty a rožně). Půjčovna: - grily na steaky a selata.