Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment

Utilize a wide range of stationary or moveable compressor stations. Offer includes dental, oil free, oil-filled, soundproofed, food, auxiliary, screw and vertical compressors, including all accessories.

Tomáš Dvořák

Prodej a servis - sněžné frézy Servis - pneumatické nářadí SCHNEIDER pily, nůžky, sekáče Soustružnické a frézovací práce Prodej - kompresory SCHNEIDERmontáž a servis - kompresory Montáž - kompletní rozvody stlačeného vzduchu Servis - kompletní rozvody stlačeného vzduchu Prodej - travní sekačky lištové, rotační Servis - travní sekačky lištové, rotační

Hagas servis, s.r.o.

Chimney shop - lining, cleaning and revision of chimneys - installation of fireplace stoves - revisions and checks of gas sampling devices and stable pressure vessels - service of gas control stations and gas burners - installation and servicing of gas detectors, calibration of pressure gauges. Sale - fireplaces, fireplace stoves - grills - pumping technology.

Roman Novotný

Montáž - kotelnavýstavba a rekonstrukce - plynové kotelny Plynoinstalační práce Dodávka a montáž - solární termické systémyservis - solární systémy Prodej - tepelná čerpadla Topenářské práce Podlahové, stěnové a stropní vytápění Montáž - topné systémydodávka - teplovodní kotle Servis - topné systémy Jádrové vrtání - tmelení protipožárních prostupů…

Rostislav Stejskal

Our company based in the Semily district deals with digging and drilling new wells, as well as deepening and cleaning existing wells. We offer you professional consultations, where we are able to recommend the best solution for your well thanks to our many years of experience with wells. We provide not only dug but also drilled wells, including pump installation, water distribution to the house…

Woma - Praha, s.r.o.

Doprava - viskózní a tuhé látky Prodej, servis a poradenství - vysokotlaká čistící technika WOMA - proplachovací a kombinované vozy všech velikostí i s recyklací Prodej - vysokotlaká čerpací technika - průmyslová čerpadla PUTZMEITTER - příslušenství - náhradní díly Servis - vysokotlaká čerpací technika - průmyslová čerpadla PUTZMEITTER Poradenství -…

Nejkompresory - JPR Group, s.r.o.

Buy piston and screw compressors, air conditioning online and conveniently. We offer service, transport and consultancy in Uherské Hradiště, the Zlín region and the entire Czech Republic. We are a family company from the Zlín Region, the heart of Slovácko - Uherské Hradiště. We have over 20 years of experience in the sale and service of compressors. Our beginnings in the field of…

Kamil Křivánek

Installation, repair and service of split, multisplit and VRF air conditioning units. We also service and install air-water heat pumps and recuperation units. It is a matter of course that there is also a regular inspection ordered by the government - "revision of coolant leakage" in the cooling circuit with regulated substances and F-gases of all categories. One of our many strengths is the…

Topení Rychlý - Lukáš Rychlý

Our company Lukáš Rychlý, based in the Kladno district in the village of Cvrčovice, offers its customers all plumbing work. We provide gas distribution and gas connections to houses using materials - copper, iron, alpex - gas and installation and reconstruction of central heating. We also deal with flushing underfloor heating and heating circuits, cleaning drinking water distribution systems…