Pompier s.r.o.
The company Pompier s.r.o. works closely with companies with a long tradition and practical experience in the installation of both heat pumps and solar systems, as well as other closely related fields.
The company Pompier s.r.o. works closely with companies with a long tradition and practical experience in the installation of both heat pumps and solar systems, as well as other closely related fields.
We will provide you with the supply and installation of solid fuel and gas boilers, heat pumps, fireplaces and stoves, solar systems, air conditioners, boiler overhaul. We will carry out a complete implementation of the technical security of buildings.
Jsme tým odborníků na instalace tepelných čerpadel do rodinných domů se zkušenostmi a znalostmi od velkých firem z oboru. Jelikož nám přijde férové a správné dodávat pouze kvalitní tepelná čerpadla a provádět montáže tak jako k sobě domů, rozhodli jsme se opustit naše předchozí zaměstnavatele a založit novou společnost s čistým štítem. Realizujeme komplexní dodání tepelných čerpadel, tak jako k…
Společnost KIBKE KLIMA s.r.o. se specializuje na klimatizace, tepelná čerpadla a podlahové vytápění.
Specialist in heating and air conditioning. Consulting, calculation, project, financing, delivery, installation, service: Gas air heaters (hot air units) Aermax -basic with 2-stage power, with stepless regulation -modulated. Gas infrared radiators: -dark, light, low temperature. Heat pumps. Door curtains. Destratifiers. Heating and hot water. Hall heating. Hot water units. …
Installation and service of air conditioners: - to the apartment and office - brands LG, Toshiba, Samsung, Sinclair and others Installation of heat pumps: - ecological, environmentally friendly operation
Sale: -air conditioning -cooling -chill -heat pumps.
The company GEOHEAT s.r.o. deals with the design, supply, installation and subsequent service of heat pumps of the NIBE brand. We also install heating systems, measurement and control as well as modules for active and passive cooling. We are based in Brno, Bosonohy. Heat pumps: - ground - water with surface collector - ground - water with a borehole - water - water - air - water with…
Our company deals with repairs and designs of refrigeration equipment, air conditioning for residential and commercial premises as well as car air conditioning. We always try to design the most effective solution according to your requirements. Service, installation, repairs and designs are provided by specially trained staff. We provide repairs, supply, installation and servicing of…
Comprehensive services in the field of compressed air. -sale of reciprocating and screw compressors -sale of equipment for compressed air treatment -service of compressors and accessories for the treatment of compressed of air -supply and assembly activities.
We deal with subsidies from the Green Savings program and offer the sale, installation and service of Master Therm heat pumps.
Sales, installation or service of air conditioning, ventilation, heat pumps and solar systems. Our company works in the Vysočina region, in the districts of Třebíč, Znojmo, J. Hradec and Jihlava. We will be happy to provide you with a comprehensive solution to your problems at a very reasonable price.
Technologie pro bazény, jezírka a sauny. E-shop.
Specialisté v oblasti propojení fotovoltaiky, tepelných čerpadel a ohřevu vody v rodinných a bytových domech na Hodonínsku.
David Bargl se zaměřuje na plynoservis, montáže kotlů, tepelných čerpadel, kotelen a na instalatérské práce.
Ivana Matušková provozuje e-shop s čerpadly, náhradními díly, tlakovými nádobami a příslušenstvím.
Služby: -topenářské a instalatérské práce -solární systémy -automatické a ekologické kotle -tepelná čerpadla -čističky odpadních vod -vzájemné propojení různých systémů pro vytápění a ohřev teplé vody.
TEPLO-DOMA.CZ We supply and install heat pumps. Air conditioning, solar systems, heat recovery, solid fuel boilers, automatic, gas and electric boilers. We provide heating reconstruction, installation of underfloor heating. We provide electrical work. We handle state subsidies - boiler subsidy, NZÚ.
Underfloor heating, Revel-PEX heat pumps
Sales, Eshop garden and municipal equipment - mowers - saws - mowers - mulchers - scissors - construction saws - vibrating plates - wood splitters - wood packer - garden shredders - pallet trucks - concrete vibrator - pumps - compressors - snow blowers Service and advice Opening hours Monday 8: 00-11: 30 - 12: 30-17: 00 Tuesday 8: 00-11: 30 - 12: 30-17: 00 Wednesday 8: 00…
Hlavní činností společnosti 2XCHB je servis chladicích a mrazicích zařízení, stavba chladicích a mrazicích boxů, dodávka a montáž klimatizací a tepelných čerpadel a výroba nerezových chladicích vitrín a pultů. Profesionální servis 365/24 vám zajistí 7 plně vybavených servisních vozidel a vyškolených techniků.
Prodeje a intalace tepelných čerpadel Instalace podlahových topení Výměna/montáž radiátorů Vyřízení dotací NZU Vyřízení kotlíkových dotací
Delivery and installation of energy saving systems. Heat pumps Photovoltaic power plants solar water heating Ventilation units Electric heating Electric water heating Heating systems Consulting. We supply and install heat pumps. - ground-water systems with boreholes - systems with flat plate collectors - air-water and air-air thermal systems. - IVT heat pumps - Stiebel…