Finances and law

Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Exekutorský úřad Vsetín - Skácel Pavel, Mgr., soudní exekutor

Bailiff's office Vsetín, bailiff Mgr. Pavel Skácel, performs execution activities. Bailiff's office, bailiff's activity: - debt collection - real estate auctions - auctions of movable property - judicial execution - executory records - executor custody. We have modern software that allows clients remote remote access to management information. Use alone also means an overall…

Ing. Slavomír Černý - odhady nemovitostí - Znalecké posudky

Forensic expert Ing. Slavomír Černý carries out market valuations of all types and sizes of real estate for clients from the Kroměříž, Vyškov, Zlín and Přerov districts. In addition to estimates, I also prepare expert opinions. Forensic expert, estimates, expert opinions, valuation: - all types of real estate - grounds - family and apartment buildings as well as separate apartments and…

Ing. Jan Šimek - - znalec, odhady lesů

Ing. Jan Šimek provides the services of a forensic expert specializing in market and official valuation of forest stands, forests, forest land, forest game and stands outside forest land. I carry out the activities of an expert in the regions of the districts of Zlín, Kroměříž, Vsetín and Uherské Hradiště. Forensic expert, market and official valuation and determination of the amount of damage…

Ing. Josef Vávra

Forensic expert Ing. Josef Vávra prepares estimates, statements and expert opinions for clients from the Zlín Region, specializing in the valuation of motor vehicles of all types, engineering technical equipment and machines, as well as the assessment of the technical condition of the vehicle, machine or technical equipment. Forensic expert, estimates, expert opinions, valuation: - motor…

MAJK-VM s.r.o.

Stavby MAJK-VM has been engaged in construction activities since the very foundation of the company. We are able to carry out both small renovations and house construction. We offer our clients all construction services – from clearing and demolition, through plumbing, electrical or masonry work, to the final laying of floors or painting. We work on orders quickly and at the same time with high…

D & M Accounting s. r. o.

Společnost D & M Accounting s. r. o. byla založena v roce 2007, během této krátké doby si díky individuálnímu přístupu získala mnoho klientů z různých oborů podnikání. Specializujeme se na kompletní vedení účetnictví či daňové evidence, zpracování mzdové agendy, daňová přiznání, účetní a daňová poradenství, zastupování klientů na úřadech. Mezi naše klienty patří malé a střední firmy…