HEXA s.r.o.
Company HEXA s.r.o. provides accounting, tax and economic consulting. We offer comprehensive services in accounting and tax records. We provide services for small, medium and large companies, self-employed, cities, municipalities and non-profit organizations.
- bookkeeping
- keeping tax records
- payroll processing, human resources
- processing of tax returns
- accounting, tax and economic consultancy
- legal advice on commercial and labor law
- preparation of contracts and legal documents, incl. reinsurance
translations from and to German and English.
We also provide all services to foreign clients, communication in English and German.
Our goal is client satisfaction and prosperity. If you are interested in our offer, do not hesitate to contact us, you can find us at Moravská 1235, Tachov.
- bookkeeping
- keeping tax records
- payroll processing, human resources
- processing of tax returns
- accounting, tax and economic consultancy
- legal advice on commercial and labor law
- preparation of contracts and legal documents, incl. reinsurance
translations from and to German and English.
We also provide all services to foreign clients, communication in English and German.
Our goal is client satisfaction and prosperity. If you are interested in our offer, do not hesitate to contact us, you can find us at Moravská 1235, Tachov.
Poskytujeme komplexní účetní a daňové služby
Zaměřujeme se i na zahraniční klienty
Jsme Vám k dispozici v oboru ekonomického poradenství
Našim cílem je spokojenost a prosperita klientů
Financial counseling Accounting, tax and audit services
Účetnictví, personalistika a daňové poradenství