EKONOM Chrudim s.r.o.
- accounting - tax records.
- accounting - tax records.
- účetnictví - daňové evidence - mzdové agendy.
Comprehensive services in the field of accounting, economic and tax consulting. Services: - processing, accounting - processing tax records and tax returns for everyone taxes - payroll management, payroll agendas - tax advice - representation in proceedings at financial authorities, insurance companies and other offices as needed by the client.
Účetní firma se sídlem v Pardubicích nabízí daňové poradenství včetně zpracování přiznání, vedení účetnictví a dańové evidence, mzdové účetnictví a ekonomické poradenství.Samozřejmostí je individuální přístup ke klientovi, profesní pojištění, odbornost, spolehlivost a mlčenlivost.
Health insurance. Office hours: Monday: 08:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:00 Tuesday: 08:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 14:00 Wednesday: 08:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 16:00 Thursday: 08:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 15:00 Friday: 08:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 14:00 Saturday, Sunday, holidays: CLOSED
Soudní znalec, odhadce – posudky a odhady nemovitostí ceny obvyklé i administrativní, ocenění věcných břemen, dědická řízení, darovací daň, daň z převodu nemovitosti. Pro úřady i fyzické osoby, soudy, notáře a exekutory.
Investice do zlata a drahých kovů, burza zlata a drahých kovů online. Výkup zlata a drahých kovů online. Kurzy zlata a drahých kovů. Možnost úschovy v bezpečnostních bankovních trezorech, nízké náklady na úschovu.
Double-entry bookkeeping, external accounting, tax records, income tax return, VAT, other taxes, etc.
Nabídka služeb advokátní kanceláře v oblasti obchodního práva.
Oddlužovací centrum je tu pro každého, kdo se rozhodl své problémy s dluhy aktivně řešit. Na základě důkladné analýzy Vaší situace navrhneme způsob oddlužení vhodný přímo pro Vás – insolvenci či správu dluhů. Naši odborníci jsou připraveni Vám kdykoliv pomoci a poradit. Důležité je, nebát se a se svými problémy se nám svěřit. od 01.02.2013 do 31.12.2020
The company ANO Trading s.r.o. was founded in 2009 to provide adult education, create analysis and studies in the field of education. We also provide economic and financial consultancy and deal with consultancy in the field of subsidies.
Nabídka vedení účetnictví a daňové evidence. Poskytování poradenství.
Energy audits & process optimization are brought to customers by Sumo Group, a.s. competitive advantage. Strengthen energy independence through innovative solutions and support the development of alternative technologies. Energy buildings Geology and remediation Service 24/7 Representation of companies
Offer of expert opinions in the field of real estate valuation, provision of technical supervision and implementation of repairs, prevention of OSH and PO risks, insurance.
Consulting for economics, law and human resources management - analysis of the current situation in terms of economy, law and human resources - designing savings and ways to increase work efficiency - searching for optimal ways of financing All in the form of external consultancy or temporary management of the company. We focus primarily on companies in the manufacturing industry.
- bookkeeping, tax records - payroll - tax return, administration - representation before the authorities - complete service for self-employed persons and small companies with up to 10 employees
We are a car pawn shop, focusing on clients in the Pardubice and Hradec Králové regions. We offer loans against the pledge of means of transport and purchase of means of transport. The price we offer you for your car, trailer, set of wheels, etc., reaches 70-90% of the market value, depending on their condition. We provide short-term financial loans for 1 week to 1 year against collateral. As…
pojišťovnictví, penzijní připojištění, investiční společnost, poradenství
Are you going to start a company or invest in the development of your business? We will provide you with operating, investment or project loans under the best conditions on the market. We save your time - we handle the complete administration. Thanks to many years of experience, we can effectively negotiate with banks. We provide the following services: - financial and economic consulting, …
Financial consultancy in Pardubice, management of insurance contracts, creation of proposals for free, cooperation with all insurance companies on the market, insurance advantageous especially for the client, assistance in solving insurance events, updating and improving insurance contracts
Audit activity, tax consultancy, accounting and economic consultancy
processing of tax returns, accounting, tax records, electronic submissions via the company data box, communication with authorities, VAT, extracts from VAT records, road tax, wages, HR, long-term experience, regular training tel. 702683012, uctujzde@seznam.cz, www .uctujzde.cz
Accounting and e-shop with toys I offer comprehensive services in accounting, tax records, payroll processing and tax returns for small and medium-sized businesses. I provide accounting services in the Pardubice Region, the Hradec Králové Region and in Prague. We are also an online store selling toys for children. Plush toys, kits, cubes and board games, puzzles, wooden and creative toys,…