Tax advisor, reg. no. 2106. I have been a tax advisor for 17 years and manage accounting and payroll. I will take care of these matters for you, I will represent you at the authorities and give advice. Don't be afraid to entrust me with your taxes and accounting.
Law Office - general practice
Advokátní kancelář - generální praxe
Prodej - náhradní díly pro automobily Servis - osobní vozy Pneuservis Mycí linka Vedení - účetnictví - daňová evidence
Services: - real estate and auction office - public voluntary and involuntary auctions - real estate appraisals - financial services - purchase of real estate and execution of foreclosures
Lease: - industrial and office premises Services: - financial accounting - founding of companies - consultancy
Accident insurance, life insurance, sickness insurance, property insurance, liability insurance, pension insurance.
Financial advice Real estate appraisals Legal advice Sale and rent - apartments - studios - family houses - grounds - cottages - cottages Sale and rent - commercial premises - offices - business premises
Daňové optimalizace daňová přiznání Vedení účetnictví a daňové evidence - personalistika a zpracování mezd - komunikace s úřady i datovými schránkami - účtování importu a exportu hlášení INTRASTAT
Finanční poradenství Investiční činnost Návrhy - interiéry Realitní činnost - byty - domy - pozemky Realitní činnost - komerční objekty Export, import - strojírenská produkce potravinářský průmysl, dopravní a manipulační technika, energetická zařízení Projektová činnost
Auditing Tax Accountants and Lawyer services.
Bookkeeping - keeping tax records Data processing Organizing - training - courses - seminars - sports competitions
The company INFOSEN CZ, spol. s r. o. specializes in keeping the accounting agenda and tax records of business entities, both legal and natural persons, doing business in various sectors of trade, production and the provision of services. We offer fast negotiations, maximum flexibility. Accounting and accounting advice is conducted in such a way that it clearly respects the currently valid…
Services: - accounting - payroll and personnel agenda - tax advice
Odhady nemovitostí
Leasing - heavy transport and handling equipment