The town of Turnov lies in the middle of the protected landscape area Bohemian Paradise, of which it is the natural center. Population is around 14,600. The town was founded over the river Jizera around 1250 by Jaroslav and Havel of Hruštice, the first written mention dates from 1272. Thanks to the richness of local deposits, there has been a 16th century. century developed the processing of…
Veselá is located in the southern part of the Semily district near the Bohemian Paradise protected area. The first mention of the village dates back to 1616. The village lies at an altitude of 369 meters above sea level and covers an area of 578 ha. Currently, 228 people live here. The village has five settlements: Veselá, Kotelsko, Žďár, Bítouchov and Vranovsko. Equipment of village: - mail …
Municipal office. The first written report dates from 1318. The village is located at an altitude of 372 meters.
City office. The origin of the Vysoké village is usually placed in the first half of the fourteenth century, but it is mentioned as Vysoká in historical sources known to date only in 1352 without specifying the title.
Municipal office. The first written report dates back to 1340. The village is located at an altitude of 240 meters. 164 inhabitants live on the territory. In the village it is possible to see the Renaissance castle.
Domov důchodců - tel. 481 320 070. Terénní povatelská služba.
The first written record dates from 1323. The village is situated at an altitude of 245 meters. On the live 855 inhabitants. The dominant feature of the village is the late Gothic church. James from the mid-16th century. There are also buildings of folk architecture of the Jizera type. Office Hours Mo 8.00-12.00 13.00-17.00 We 8.00-12.00 13.00-17.00 mayor Ing. Luděk Sajdl
The first written report dates from 1543. The village is located at an altitude of 257 meters. 74 inhabitants live on the territory.
Sociální služby, domov důchodců, penzion, dům s pečovatelskou službou.
Pořádání bohoslužeb a duchovních setkání.
Háje nad Jizerou Municipal Office. The first written report dates from 1636. The village is located at an altitude of 396 meters. 651 inhabitants live on the territory. The dominant feature of the village is the church of St. Stanislava.
Českomoravská myslivecká jednota okresní myslivecký spolek.
Okresní kancelář KDU-ČSL. Politická strana.