Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Obecní úřad Humburky

Humburky village is located 2km southeast of Nový Bydžov in the Hradec Králové Region at an altitude of 231m.n.m. According to the last census as of 1 March 2001, 326 people live here, of which 48 are the POHODA Retirement Home. There are 101 descriptive numbers in the village, the cadastre of the village lies at the left edge, partly also on the right bank of the river Cidlina and has an area of…


The village of Mlékosrby can be found in the district of Hradec Králové in the Hradec Králové Region. It lies at an altitude of 237 m above sea level and its area is 582 ha. The first written mention of the village dates from 1343. At present, our village has 242 inhabitants. Municipal facilities: - pub - playground - aquapark - municipal water supply - sewerage, gasification. …

Obec Prasek

The village of Prasek is located in the district of Hradec Králové and stretches on both sides of the district road from Nový Bydžov to Hradec Králové as one street. The first mention of the village of Prasek dates back to 1312, and in the following years its history is mostly associated with Nový Bydžov. At present, Prasek has 614 inhabitants. In the village there is a primary and…

Krajský úřad - Královéhradeckého kraje

Krajský úřad: - oddělení krizového řízení - oddělení interního auditu - odbor informatiky, informatiky, vnitra a Krajský živnostenský úřad, ekonomický, -odbor investic -odbor regionálního rozvoje, odbor životního prostředí (vodní hospodářství, zemědělství aj.) -odbor školství odbor zdravotnictví -odbor sociálních věcí, odbor dopravy a silničního hospodářství …

Obec Kruh

The village of Kruh is a mountain village in the district of Semily, about seven kilometers south of Jilemnice, Liberec region. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1386. At present, 478 inhabitants live here. The circle is a member of the Union of Municipalities Jilemnicko. Village facilities: - Kindergarten - cinema - library - aquapark - playground - tennis…