Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Obec Babice

The village of Babice is located about 18 km west of Hradec Králové. It has an area of 2.55 km2 and is situated at an altitude of 235 m above sea level. The village has two associated parts, Malé Babice and Chaloupky. The first written mention of the village comes from the second half of the 14th century. At present, Babice has 200 permanent residents. Village facilities: - municipal office …

Obecní úřad Lužany

Lužany nad Trotinou is a small village that has two parts - Lužany and Lhota. Despite its small size, the village has a post office, a library and a renovated restaurant. There is also a hall for social events with a capacity of 80-90 people. Until recently, there was also a general store here. Sports facilities include a small field where football and volleyball are played. You can also play…

Obec Pšánky

The village of Pšánky can be found in the Hradec Králové Region, about twenty kilometers from the district town of Hradec Králové in the lowlands on the right bank of the Bašnický brook, with a population of 58, it is one of the smallest villages in the district. The center of the village consists of a landscaped village square with farm buildings and a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký. Pšánky are…

Krajská hospodářská komora Královéhradeckého kraje

Hlavním posláním Krajské hospodářské komory KHK: - podpora podnikatelských aktivit - působení nezávisle na politických stranách, státních orgánech a orgánech územní samosprávy - šíření znalostí a informací o hospodářství, ekonomických podmínkách a právních předpisech, týkajících se podnikatelských aktivit - poskytování poradenských a konzultačních služeb - provozování vzdělávací činnosti v…