Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Město Teplice nad Metují

Město Teplice nad Metují leží v okrese Náchod, v malebném údolí na horním toku řeky Metuje. Jsme součástí Chráněné krajinné oblasti Broumovsko a regionu Kladské pomezí. Na našem území se nachází Národní přírodní rezervace Adršpašsko-teplické skály. Turisty vyhledávaná a oblíbená lokalita je významná nejen svou geomorfologií, ale i výskytem řady chráněných živočichů a rostlin. Město vzniklo jako…

Obecní úřad Žernov

Municipal office. The first written report dates back to 1417. The village is located at an altitude of 382 meters. 222 inhabitants live on the territory. The village is located in the close vicinity of Babiččina údolí, which invites you to take walks and enjoy tourism.

Most k životu o.p.s.

Ensuring educational and interest courses. Offer: -retraining courses: - social care worker - direct service activity - professional seminars: -assertiveness and empathy, conflict management, burnout syndrome, time management, team roles, psychology in direct work with the client Other activities of the company: - provision of social services - shelter for women and…

Obec Staré Místo

The village of Staré Mító is located in the district of Jičín in the Hradec Králové region, approximately 4 km south of Jičín. Currently, approx. 316 inhabitants. The first written mention of the village dates from 1327. The village has a gasification system, a water supply system and a sewage treatment plant. There is a local unit of volunteer firefighters and the Agro - Staré Místo sports…

Obec Smidary

The village of Smidary can be found in the Hradec Králové Region, about six kilometers north of the town of Nový Bydžov, at the confluence of the Cidlina and Javorka rivers in the Hradec Králové district. Smidars also includes several smaller villages in the area, such as Křičov, Chotělice, Červeněves and Loučná Hora. Currently, a total of 1,533 inhabitants live here. Our important natives are…