Crop growing

For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Spojené farmy, a.s.

United Farms is an informal association of agricultural farms for the purpose of joint sales and finalization of agricultural products, and today it is one of the largest suppliers of Czech organic food to independent health food stores and retail chains (Albert, Billa, Globus, Hypernova, Interspar, Kaufland, Makro, Tesco) in the Czech Republic Republic and Slovakia. Direct deliveries straight to…

Dušan Lehocký

We have been operating an ecological family farm in the Klatovy district in the village of Stará Lhota for 25 years. We are mainly engaged in the breeding of Šumava sheep and the sale of lambs for slaughter. Our farm also includes horses, which we use mainly for recreational riding and for our guests, and since 2006 also cows, which we keep for their beef, which can be ordered on the farm. At…

Statek Novák Jarpice - Kamenice s.r.o

Farm Novák Jarpice - Kamenice s.r.o. deals with agricultural primary production. We focus on plant and animal production, we also operate domestic road freight transport and perform repairs of vehicles or machines. Our family farm manages a total of 3,500 hectares of agricultural land and animal production focuses on milk production, pig fattening and cattle breeding. Animal production: -…