Rudolf Kučera
Agricultural production - ware potatoes, seed potatoes
Agricultural production - ware potatoes, seed potatoes
Wholesale, sale, cultivation: - vegetables - fruit
Sales, production: - nectarines -apricots - peaches - quality and quality wines.
Growing fruits and vegetables We harvest from the orchards: - apples (ruby, elstar, champion, gala, jonagold/gored, gloster and idared) - pears (dita, dicolor, bohemika) - plums (Čačanka lepotica, hanita) - yellow and red potatoes.
An orchard company focusing on apple trees. We have over 600 hectares of land available, of which 300 are occupied by apples. We manage 230 hectares of arable land, where we grow oilseed rape, winter wheat, spring wheat and barley. Corporate store, phone: 602454240
Terenní úpravy parků, sadů a zahrad Rostlinná výroba Živočišná výroba
Pestování, prodej - obilí a kulturní plodiny
Hunting Crop production - cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, maize, sugarcane and fodder crops Livestock production - bull breeding and milk production
Ekostatek - pěstování obilovin, brambor, zeleniny a ovoce Ekostatek - chov masného dobytka
Zemědělská farma - pěstování obilovin Zemědělská farma - chov skotu
Crop production Livestock production
Rostlinná výrobapěstování - chmel
Rostlinná výroba Živočišná výroba
Rostlinná výroba Živočišná výroba
The Horal Agricultural Cooperative focuses on plant and animal production. We breed dairy cattle and grow potatoes, barley and oats. We farm in the village of Vysoké nad Jizerou, district of Semily. Collective farm. Breeding, services, animal production: - dairy, dairy cattle - cows - sale of fresh milk. Cultivation, sale, crop production: - potatoes - barley - oat. …
Rostlinná výroba Živočišná výroba