Crop growing

For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

DRUŽINA, spol. s r.o.

Družina spol. s r.o. je dynamická firma s bohatou historií a širokým spektrem činností. Založena v roce 1992, tato společnost se původně zaměřila na privatizaci čisticích stanic osiv a postupně rozšířila své služby a produkty, aby vyhověla potřebám moderního zemědělství. V roce 2004 firma rozšířila své operace o čistící stanici osiv v Soběslavi, která se specializuje na drobnosemenné polní…

Zemědělské družstvo Smilovy Hory

The agricultural cooperative manages 1154 ha of agricultural land, of which 859 ha are arable land and the remaining 295 ha are permanent grassland. The farmed land is distributed in a total of 6 cadastral territories of municipalities - Smilovy Hory, Stojslavice, Radostovice, Malý Ježov, Velký Ježov and Těchobuz II. As part of livestock production, we focus exclusively on breeding red…

Zemědělské družstvo Pojbuky

Agricultural cooperative Pojbuky is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, fodder wheat, food rye and malting barley. We raise cattle for meat and milk. We offer the import of bulk materials or the removal of grain. We sell very early, early, semi-early and industrial potatoes for consumption or seed potatoes. The agricultural cooperative also carries out construction work -…