Crop growing

For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

Školní statek, Opava, příspěvková organizace

School farm, Opava focuses on growing food wheat, oilseed rape, malting barley, sugar beet and poppy. We also breed cattle for slaughter and you will find poultry, goats, rabbits and sheep. You can also buy an assortment of products from the school farm production, as well as products from home and abroad. The School Farm, Opava, p. O. Is the main workplace of practical education for students of…

Ing. František Glogar

Společnost Ing. František Glogar se zabývá zpracováním produktů z rostlinné a živočišné výroby. Věnujeme se pěstování a prodeji obilí, pšenice, jemene, řepky, brambor. Zabýváme se také chovem skotu. Rostlinná výroba - pěstování, prodej: - obilí - pšenice - ječmen - řepka - brambory. Živočišná výroba - chov: - skot. Sídlíme na adrese Luhy 163, Horní Benešov.

FARMA VENDOLSKÝ s.r.o. - rostlinná výroba

Family company FARMA VENDOLSKÝ s.r.o. focuses on conventional crop production and organic fruit growing. Our activities also include hunting, marginal animal production and we also run a general store, a tire service and a dining room. We are based in Bohušov, Bruntál district. Crop production:  - cereals  - wheat, barley  - sugar beet  - maize  - oilseed rape  - ware potatoes  -…

SOLEX AGRO, s.r.o. - mražené ovoce

The company SOLEX AGRO, s.r.o. is one of the largest producers and sellers of high quality frozen fruit, mushrooms, nuts and cereals. We are engaged in the collection and processing of forest berries and mushrooms and we have two plants in western Ukraine. In the Czech Republic we provide customs clearance of goods, temporary storage and packaging in consumer packaging. We supply frozen berries…

Jan Hořák - Zemědělská farma

The agricultural farm run by Jan Hořák on the Rýmařov farm focuses on organic farming. We are engaged in cattle breeding. We offer for sale bulls, representatives of meat breeds Hereford and Aberdeen Angus. Directly on the farm there is a cutting plant, where you can buy matured beef cattle from our production in BIO quality. Agricultural farm, services: - ecological agriculture - crop…

Radek Milota

Radek Milota runs an e-shop, where he sells an assortment that is used for beer production, such as malt, yeast, malt extracts, fermentable sugars, hops, but also cosmetic products for cleaning, such as disinfectants and sanitation products.