Pavel Bojko
Provádíme: - autodoprava stavebních materiálů - stavby na klíč - tesařské práce.
Provádíme: - autodoprava stavebních materiálů - stavby na klíč - tesařské práce.
Autodoprava: -nákladní, -vnitrostátní a mezinárodní doprava. Služby: -odvoz a likvidace odpadů.
TAXI, towing service for the whole of Europe, car transport up to 3.5t, repairs of road vehicles, ecological disposal of used tires, waste management, intermediary activities, restaurants,
Autodoprava, pronájem: - kontejnerové vany - odvoz stavebního, komunálního a nebezpečného odpadu.
Přeprava balíků a zásilek: - vnitrostátní - mezinárodní - letecká.
We perform: - earthworks - demolition work - construction of utility networks - truck transport: - removal of debris, soil - cutting down trees - plant care
Services: - telecommunications - earthworks - height work - road transport
Services: - national and international road transport - piece shipments - logistics - customs services.
Road transport. Nikoltrans Transportation of material from 1-24 tons.
Práce: -zemní. Služby: -mytí osobních a nákladních vozidel. Autodoprava: -nákladní a osobní. -odvoz fekálií.
Truck transport. Construction activity - industrial buildings - apartment construction - demolition - earthworks. Projection and engineering activity.
Services: - domestic road transport.
Služby: - doprovod transportu doprovodnými vozidly.
Services, transport: - truck (domestic, international) - container - shipping - aviation - Customs declaration INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TRUCK AND PARTY CARRIAGE phone: 412 530 919 OVERSEAS, CONTAINER AND AIR TRANSPORT phone: 412 530 914
International road Transport. Customs warehouse. Rental of warehouse space. Repair: - trucks and cars. Assembly, repairs: - additional heating ATESO, WEBASTO, EBERSPRACHER.
Mezinárodní zasilatelství. Mezinárodní nákladní doprava.
Sale: - fertilizers - gardening supplies Services: - trucking - bagging of goods - rental of warehouses - towing service - disposal of car wrecks Operation of gas station Čížkovice.
Our company specializes in domestic as well as international truck transport. The main content of our company is the transportation of bulk and liquid commodities by silo tanks and tanks for chemical substances according to ADR. Chemical tanks are always delivered with an ECD certificate of EFTCO washing. Furthermore, our services include truck servicing, tire servicing and the sale of…
Our company Signál, Dopravní záčení spol. s.r.o. deals with all activities related to traffic signaling equipment, traffic measurement and securing construction sites. Production, assembly, service, rental, sale: - traffic signs and equipment - light signalization. Our products: - traffic lights and accessories - warning and warning lights - traffic cones, fences - traffic…
We perform: - railway, road constructions - land, industrial and engineering constructions - water management structures - welding of rails - design and geodetic activity - rail freight transport
Repairs: - buses and trucks. Activity: - domestic and foreign tours. Lease: - advertising areas.
Services: - bus service - national, international