Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

NNR Global Logistics - UK LIMITED, organizační složka

A global corporation engaged in air and ship transportation. Air shipments, import, export and cross trade. Thanks to the "next flight" principle are our services adjusted to your needs. Choose the flight that suits you, the same way as if you were traveling yourself. For time-critical shipments you can also choose a personal delivery. Overseas transport: - full container load (FCL) and…

SYSEDISTYS s.r.o. - Mezinárodní doprava a logistika v EU

Společnost SYSEDISTYS s.r.o. provozuje mezinárodní nákladní a kamiónovou dopravu po celé Evropě, včetně expresní přepravy, či přepravy nebezpečných nákladů dle dohody ADR. Zaměřujeme se na logistiku a profesionální dopravu v rámci EU. Naši výkonnost podtrhují moderní kamiony značky Mercedes-Benz, které umožňují převážet náklady s maximální spolehlivostí. Pravidelný servis a údržba našich…

Personal Transport Prague s.r.o. - Osobní autodoprava Praha

International and domestic professional passenger transport minibuses throughout Europe. It provides comprehensive services for short and long distance passenger transport. Our other services include:  - occasional passenger services  - transport of persons for companies, groups  - transfers  - sightseeing tours also in Europe  - transport to family trips, weddings, cultural events,…

DVL PLUS s.r.o. - Stavební práce a kovovýroba Praha

We are a construction company. We carry out all construction and masonry work. We are based in Prague, but we operate throughout the Czech Republic. Among other things, we also carry out insulation of facades, reconstruction of housing cores, landscaping and excavation work, we provide debris removal. We build garages and shelters of any kind. We carry out all carpentry and roofing work.…

HUTSUL TUR s.r.o. - stavební a zemní práce

HUTSUL TUR s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá širokou škálou činností v oblasti dopravy, stavebnictví a rekonstrukcí. Nabízí kvalitní a spolehlivé služby za příznivé ceny. Mezi hlavní činnosti firmy patří: - Dodávková autodoprava: Firma disponuje moderním vozovým parkem - Doprava sklápěčkou: Firma provádí dopravu sypkých materiálů, jako jsou písek, štěrk, kamenivo, suti, zemina,…

AAA radiotaxi s.r.o.

Taxi service 24 hours a day, ride from 16.90 CZK/km. Cashless rides on invoice for companies and organizations. Driving your car to the designated location (drink service). Intermediation of freight transport. Transport of more people (large-capacity vehicles). Courier services (all over the Czech Republic). Immediate search for the nearest car by the dispatcher. Notification of the…

AZ LOGISTIKA s.r.o. - Vnitrostátní a mezinárodní přeprava

Company AZ LOGISTIKA s.r.o. focuses on providing comprehensive services in the field of road transport. We provide domestic and international road haulage, warehouse logistics, customs services as well as sea and air transport. We transport single, pallet, full truck and oversize loads. Our registered office is at Praha 20, Do Čertous 2620/11. Transport, road transport: - freight - national,…

Jihočeská plavební společnost s.r.o.

The company Jihočeská plavební společnost s.r.o. operates a cruise ship. We offer sightseeing cruises in Hluboká nad Vltavou and Týn nad Vltavou. We also operate a shipyard, where you can use summer and winter storage of boats and we also provide post-season and seasonal maintenance of vessels. We organize VMP captain's courses and courses for obtaining authorization to operate a small vessel on…

Mareš Logistics s.r.o.

Mareš Logistics s.r.o. deals with the transport of piece, parcel and full truckload consignments and other services related to the transport of goods, such as warehousing or truck transport. Our couriers are always willing to help you with the utmost care, discretion and reliability. We also add a number of above-standard consignment transport services, which are offered as a matter of course in…

MESMER s.r.o. - úklidové služby Praha

The company MESMER s.r.o. based in Prague - Vinohrady deals with office cleaning, construction work and car transport. If you are interested in using our cleaning services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will clean your office or apartment quickly and cheaply - we don't care about size. We also focus on construction work, where we specialize primarily in reconstruction and residential and…

Tactical Advantage, s.r.o.

Tactical Advantage, s.r.o. is a neutral Czech logistics company focused on the sea and air transport of goods and also provides assistance, consulting, training and other services in this field. We believe that logistics services can be provided on a very friendly, family basis; we do not pursue the financial or volume criteria of owners or shareholders, but we give clients the best we can and…

POZKOM, s.r.o. - Opravy a rekonstrukce komunikací Praha

We are a Prague company that carries out asphalt laying, reconstruction and maintenance of roads. Our main focus is the repair and reconstruction of roads and earthwork associated with it. We provide individual approach to your project, non-binding offer within 24h. We realize orders from 10 000, - CZK and start of work within 1 week of order. Services: Repair and reconstruction of roads:…

COMVIA BUS, s.r.o.

COMVIA BUS, s.r.o. has been one of the reliable bus operators for many years. We provide comfortable and safe travel by modern buses and we emphasize professionalism. We provide tours of persons, we organize one-day cycling and tourist trips, short-term sightseeing tours or one-day skiing in the Czech Republic. We have our own buses type Setra and Mercedes and we also offer bus rental. Bus…

MEIXNER & HANUŠ a.s. Czech republic - tuhá paliva

The company MEIXNER & HANUŠ a.s. Czech republic is an important and reliable company operating on the market for 25 years. Our portfolio of services includes wholesale and retail sales of solid fuels. Especially coal, briquettes, coke and also wood products. We have also been dealing with domestic and international truck transport for a long time. We transport goods with modern large-capacity…


Jsme česká rodinná firma, která poskytuje nákladní automobilovou přepravu, dále pronájem velkoobjemových kontejnerů a likvidaci stavebního odpadu. Další služby, které provádíme jsou demoliční a zemní práce. Také nabízíme prodej kačírku, písku, štěrku, stavebního recyklátu a zahradní zeminy. Naši firmu naleznete v městské části Praha 9 – Běchovice.


Zajišťujeme individuální i hromadnou taxi přepravu osob a zavazadel našimi novými VW minibusy (kapacita 8+1 míst). Provozujeme dálkovou přepravu v rámci celé české Republiky a Evropy. Zaměřujeme se realizaci taxi přepravy v oblasti: - Přeprava osob a zavazadel z a na letiště v celé české republice i Evropě - Přepravujeme osoby v rámci různých akcí, svateb, oslav narozenin, jubileí,…