Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

C & S, s.r.o.

Tanker international and domestic transport, road transport: - transportation of liquid materials by tank semi-trailers - oils, wine, milk, beer and technical products. We transport food raw materials throughout the Czech Republic and throughout Europe. Member of the largest sales and tire service network in the Czech Republic BESTDRIVE. Tire service for cars and trucks. Sales, repair: …

Bělohlávek - Dopravní značky s.r.o.

Company Bělohlávek - Traffic signs, s.r.o. based in the district of Litoměřice, deals with the production and assembly of traffic signs, including their installation. We also rent out our entire range. We provide comprehensive services in the field of traffic signs, orientation systems, urban furniture, as well as advertising production and the processing of traffic engineering measures. We…


Provoz, údržba, výstavba, opravy a rekonstrukce: -energetické zařízení -výměníkové a předávací stanice -tlakové nádoby, potrubní rozvody -ústřední vytápění, regulace a měření -primární a sekundární topné sítě (horkovody, parovody, topné kanály, kolektory) -inženýrské sítě, domovní a průmyslové plynovody(do středotlaku) -produktovody, energovody -investiční výstavba …