
Outsourcing saves money and time. Let you outsourced to handle the advertising, website, marketing strategy, accounting, management of computer networks, business process management or freight forwarding and logistics services is a modern and a completely hassle-free solution.

pme service, s.r.o.

We offer consultancy and services in the following areas: - company nurseries - mediation of babysitting - eldercare and care for the elderly and infirm - in difficult life situations - adjustment of private and professional life. Our services will help you retain employees, strengthen their motivation and increase their efficiency. A STRONG PARTNER FOR HARMONIZING PRIVATE AND…

C&P S - Holding, a.s.

Services: - strategic planning - economic services (accounting, financial) - tax and legal advice - marketing - domestic trade - foreign trade - administrative and logistics center. Subsidiaries: EKOSYSTEM spol. s.r.o. - production, project and consulting organization EMSA-Ekosystem spol. s.r.o. - ecological consulting - processing risk analyses - auditing activity …

Damovo Česká republika s.r.o.

PORTFOLIO: -Voice solution in telecommunications: -the most advanced technologies and applications Unified Messaging and Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) -corporate communication -branch exchanges MD110, uniform network supports: -voice integration -multimedia application -Business Phone, digital corporate branch exchanges, system for 8-30 branches -Mobile solution -…

SPIKA, spol. s r.o.

Nonstop servis počítačů a počítačových sítí (NONSTOP DISPEČINK 603824428) -externí správa počítačových sítí -outsourcing v oblasti IT -webdesign -webhosting -intranetové a internetové aplikace -připojení k internetu pevnou linkou -AROUTER (balík programů který zajistí kvalitu a bezpečnost připojení k internetu - firewall, VPN* klient, mail server, file server, web…

S&T CZ s.r.o.

1) System integration and management of complex and territorially extensive projects related to the widespread deployment of computing and communication technology. 2) Complex solutions in the field of IS/IT (analysis, solution design, implementation, service, after-sales support and further development). 3) Supply, installation and servicing of COMPAQ computers as well as computers,…

Simio, a.s.

Sales mediation The priority goal of Simio, a.s. is to offer the customer a quality service or goods in the comfort of his home or workplace, starting with the telephone contact of the operator and ending with the delivery by our merchants to the place that the client himself determines. All this in the spirit of our mission:"

T-Systems Czech Republic a.s.

T-Systems PragoNet, JSC is a member of the international group Deutsche Telecom AG. It supplies comprehensive, integrated IT and telecommunication solution. Voice, data, internet and hosting, housing and IT services create a base for complete turn-key solutions according to customer's specific demands which the company is able to satisfy not only in the Czech Republic but also in more than 1000…

ManpowerGroup, spol. s r.o.

Administrative and trade posts, middle management, IT/Telco, technical positions. Interesting job offers from the whole Czech Republic. The world's leading company in the field of agency employment and recruitment. The global provider of outsourcing of specialized solutions and procedures. Our services: Job opportunity searching Active offering of jobs Searching for employees Scout…

Extend IT, s.r.o.

Společnost Extend IT poskytuje poradenství, konzultační služby a podporu nejen pro uživatele produktů fi rem Oracle, Microsoft a Citrix. Uplatňujeme moderní optimalizační metody, jako jsou virtualizace a cloud computing. Extend IT se transformovala ze společnosti Pythian Europe, která od roku 2008 poskytovala expertní služby a vzdálenou administraci databází včetně 24/7 monitoringu pro…

Esente, s.r.o.

Vypracování technické a ekonomické projektové dokumentace. Vývoj firemních aplikací. Společnost ESENTE byla založena v roce 2002 a působí na trhu v oblasti projektového managementu. Zabývá se projektovou činností – engineeringem – v oblasti: - techniky - ekonomie - informačních technologií. V této oblasti realizuje nové možnosti vzdělávání tzv. e-learning. ESENTE řeší návazně…

Fiala Partners s.r.o.

Fiala Partners s.r.o. je poradenská společnost nabízející širokou škálu univerzálních i vysoce specializovaných služeb. Pro společnost je charakteristická erudice a zkušenost v oblasti poskytovaných služeb, schopnost a ochota maximálně vyhovět potřebám klienta a hladká, bezproblémová komunikace ve všech fázích spolupráce. Služby: Semináře: - makroekonomie a manažerská ekonomie -…

Accenture Central Europe B.V., organizační složka

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unique experience and comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, along with extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. With approximately 204,000…