
Outsourcing saves money and time. Let you outsourced to handle the advertising, website, marketing strategy, accounting, management of computer networks, business process management or freight forwarding and logistics services is a modern and a completely hassle-free solution.

Zingro s.r.o.

ZINGRO s.r.o. - establishing companies in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic - virtual offices - bookkeeping - business intermediation for the Czech - Polish market www.srovpolsku.cz Zingro s.r.o. is a company that will help you succeed on the Polish market. If you want to expand and increase your profits and turnovers, we are here for you.

Josef Změlík

Comprehensive services in the field of information technology: - web design - creation of www pages - e-marketing - IT management for self-employed and small businesses - outsourcing - tailor-made computer assembly - network installation - advice on choosing suitable hardware and software. Repair, service: - computer technology - computers, laptops.

Amulet logistic, a.s.

We provide logistics services - storage throughout the Czech Republic - complete warehouse service - assembly and assembly, disassembly and entry inspection - packaging and labeling - outsourcing part or all of internal processes at customers - consultancy - comprehensive supply of supplies for the office - cutting material with a water jet

Ing. Daniela Krofiánová

Popai -The Global Association for Marketing POPAI pomáhá svým členům efektivně využívat reklamu v místě prodeje. Slouží jako jedinečný zdroj informací a novinek o P.O.P. oboru, realizuje výzkumy trhu zaměřené na efektivitu POP a nabízí odborné a vzdělávací akce. Asociace zviditelňuje obor P.O.P. pomocí public relations a reprezentuje své členy na národních i mezinárodních konferencích. POPAI…

ROKIT Partner s.r.o.

Services - consultancy in the field of ICT (information and communication technologies), revisions, audits, analyzes, innovations - design and implementation of software and hardware solutions, websites, content management systems - E-learning courses, training - information technology outsourcing.

MS business spol. s r.o.

- Assessment, measurement - employees of the operating department of MS business they will inspect the client's file material Data processing. They will create a specific price offer, draft contract and other documents free of charge - Acceptance and Removal Acceptance and removal of documents and file material from the site their simultaneous storage follows the agreement trade contract…

Partyservis98, a.s.

Naše produkční agentura zajišťuje stavbu a pronájem párty stanů včetně vnitřního vybavení, cateringové služby a organizace doprovodného programu. Naše produkční agentura pro Vás zrealizuje firemní akci přímo ve Vašem závodě nebo v lokalitě, kterou společně vybereme. Produkční agentura partyservis98, a.s. zajistí i školení Vašich zaměstnanců v našem rekreačně vzdělávacím zařízení v Krkonoších –…