K2 atmitec s.r.o.
Comprehensive ICT solutions. Development, production, implementation and sales: - Information system K2. Hardware sales. System integration. Operation of K2's own Data Center (SaaS, PaaS, Iaas, housing).
Comprehensive ICT solutions. Development, production, implementation and sales: - Information system K2. Hardware sales. System integration. Operation of K2's own Data Center (SaaS, PaaS, Iaas, housing).
Patrik Mucha is a company providing: - IT helpdesk - IT services - IT Outsourcing - website creation
AUTOCONT a.s. provozuje e-shop s výpočetní a kancelářskou technikou, zaměřuje se na outsourcing IT, školení, kybernetickou beznečnost a mnoho dalšího. Ve své správě má 18 poboček v celé České republice.
4BIZ B2B s.r.o. is a trading company dealing with foreign trade in Asia and Europe. Since 2005, it has been implementing sales activities in China and South Korea. It is also part of the NEW FUTURE GROUP business group. It manufactures and imports goods to order, ensures the preparation of production and supervision of the fulfillment of production plans, including other services.
Activity: - development, implementation and support of FIS's own information system - outsourcing
Společnost ApeSight s.r.o. provádí IT poradenství, konzultace, outsourcing.
Správa počítačových sítí. Prodej a servis: - výpočetní technika. Outsorcing IT služeb pro malé a střední firmy, podnikatele, živnostníky. Služby v oblasti výpočetní techniky rovněž pro soukromé osoby a domácnosti.
Společnost smartwriting, s.r.o. se specializují na psaní odborných textů.
Společnost AEGIS PLUS s.r.o. nabízí komplexní obchodní služby.
Services for medical facilities: Administrative service for health professionals Transfers of medical practices to SRO - everything from the preparation of operating regulations, all contact with the authorities to the transfer of contractual relations with ZP Sales and valuation of medical practices Work safety and PO for ambulances - complete mandatory documentation, risk assessment, work…
Services - outsourcing, marketing and advertising services in pharmacy - advertising campaigns.
Services: - sale of ready made companies - assistance in setting up companies according to the specific requirements of the owners - providing headquarters for companies - accounting
Activity: - services in the field of public procurement and subsidies
-Služby v oblasti administrativní správy a služby organizačně hospodářské povahy Činnost účetních poradců, vedení účetnictví, vedení daňové evidence
Servants - elaboration and creation of a HACCP manual (critical points plan) for hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, chalets, ... - creation of sanitation regulations - creation of operating rules for accommodation services. Branch - address: Hodějovská 1680, 198 00 Prague 9.
Automation of reges tests of applications. Development of GUI MASTER and QAceGen
Management of computer networks, servers. IP telephony. Outsourcing.
Creation of corporate websites and applications, specialist in Wordpress editorial and publishing system, outsourcing, internet marketing, custom software development
Services - processing of data, documents - storage of documents - Records management.
Services: - Insolvency Alarm - automatic monitoring of the Insolvency Register
Services: - analysis of databases and data warehouses - data mining - obtaining non-trivial knowledge from data - statistical modeling - business analysis - training
Služby: - vývoj a údržba mobilních aplikací pro mobilní telefony a tablety - IT Outsourcing - školení informační bezpečnosti
Application development. Portal services. IT Outsourcing.
Services - outsourcing - marketing - generic drugs, nutritional nutrition.
Services - subsidy consultancy - project financing - implementation of the selection procedure - construction supervisor and health and safety coordinator.