Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

JE Plast s.r.o.

Company JE Plast s.r.o. is engaged in plastic injection and vacuum forming. We produce complete plastic kits for air catering and gastronomy. It distributes a wide range of disposable tableware, and you can also choose from a variety of paper program and cleaning and hygiene products. Activity:  - injection molding of plastics  - vacuum forming  - Custom manufacture of molds. Production,…

ABL Petrovice s.r.o.

The company ABL Petrovice s.r.o. deals with the production of a complete sawmill assortment (prisms, planks, slats, etc.), including custom production of trusses according to delivered projects and specialized atypical orders. Our sawmill currently has two frame saws with a technological diameter of 560 mm and 710 mm. The technological length that is ours a saw capable of cutting is 12 m the…

Rolnická společnost, a. s.

Services: - agricultural production - repairs of working machines - road motor transport - operation of a filling station with fuels - hospitality activities - business in the field of hazardous waste - repairs of road vehicles Sale: - crop production - starch potatoes - food wheat - malting barley - animal production - milk …

Silmet OIL, s.r.o.

The SILMET Group is a major distributor of fuels with operations throughout the Czech Republic and its own Terminal Oil tax warehouse in Hořovice, Central Bohemia. It operates a network of 21 filling stations and the SILMET Oil company, which deals with oil heating for households and commercial buildings. The group was also involved in the creation of the DFC refueling card project.

Sileman 2006, s.r.o.

Poradenství - práce a servisní služby související se zpracováním projektů, především v energetice pro malé vodní elektrárny do 20 MW a velké vodní elektrárny do 150 MW Zprostředkování obchodních vztahů pro české společnosti a jejich zastupování ve Vietnamu Zaměstnávání vietnamských občanů v České republice

Ing. Milan Bechyně

Konzultační a poradenské středisko EKIS se zaměřením na: - zdroje tepla včetně alternativních - rozvody tepla a jejich hydraulika, měření a regulace výroby a dodávky tepla - technika prostředí - zateplovací technologie

Renata Kůtová

Maloobchod, velkoobchod - ochranné pomůcky Maloobchod, velkoobchod - laky, lepidla, PU pěny, silikony, tmely Maloobchod - drogerie Velkoobchod - drogerie Maloobchod, velkoobchod - oleje Maloobchod, velkoobchod - osvětlení Maloobchod, velkoobchod - kuchyňská dvířka AL, folie, dýha, masiv - interiérový nábytek - drátěný…