Na Flusárě 68,
26101 Příbram - Příbram III
The SILMET Group is a major distributor of fuels with operations throughout the Czech Republic and its own Terminal Oil tax warehouse in Hořovice, Central Bohemia. It operates a network of 21 filling stations and the SILMET Oil company, which deals with oil heating for households and commercial buildings. The group was also involved in the creation of the DFC refueling card project.

  • tankování paliva, prodej benzínu, prodej nafty, prodej doplňkového sortimentu pro auta, prodej potravin a nápojů pro řidiče
  • motorová nafta, benzín a propan-butan, letecký petrolej, zemní plyn, automobilová paliva

Czech Companies
Petrol stations, Filling stations, Motor fuels