Raw materials, energetics and semifinished products

Energy takes care of the production and distribution of energy, such as gas, electricity and water. Depends on the sale of various raw materials, which may be natural or secondary. Use and sale of semi-finished products for the chemical, construction or engineering industry.

TEPVOS, spol. s r.o.

The TEPVOS city company manages services for citizens and visitors of the city in these areas. Recreation services, Municipal services, Water services and Energy services. The aim of the Recreational Services section is to manage the city's recreational and sports facilities. Year-round, regular and quality provision of recreational and sports activities for residents and visitors of the city.…

Chem Logistic, s.r.o. - Technické chemikálie Pardubice

We are leading suppliers of technical and specialty chemicals. We provide comprehensive supplies, logistics and consulting in the field of chemicals and services. We have a highly dimensioned storage space for liquid and solid chemicals. Deliveries of a wide range of technical and specialty chemicals in quality returnable packaging for individual industries. Acids and hydroxides …

SYNPO, akciová společnost - Specialisté na barvy Pardubice

Synpo JSC. Pardubice company produces paints for high quality varnishing of metals and plastics. These are products of Akrylmetal, Veromix and Zirafinol lines. Paints which we produce find use in painting of cars, trams, buses or motorcycles. Products of Akrylmetal, Veromix and Zirafinol lines meet the strictest environmental regulations, nevertheless all aesthetical, chemical and resistance…

KLAHOS spol.s r.o. - Světlíky a polykarbonáty Česká Třebová

Universal and special holders KLAHOS. Use: -universal holders for fixing of traffic signs, advertising signs/billboards and information plates, street signs, destination - any advertising support, lamp posts/lighting masts -fixing of various electric distribution systems, cables, contact lines, lamps, building and post/mast equipment. Material: -holders including jointing material made of…

AGRODRUŽSTVO KLAS - Zemědělské družstvo Pardubice

Agrodružstvo Klas focuses on animal and plant production. We are breeding cattle, pigs and milk production. Our other activities include repair of agricultural machinery, locksmith work and we also run a fuel station, which can be found in the Rohoznice center. We are located in the village Křičeň, district Pardubice. Agricultural cooperative: Livestock production:  - dairy cows  - milk…

OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o.

The company OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o. deals mainly with the production of asphalt mixtures for use in the construction and repair of roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other paved areas. We also sell crushed aggregates for construction purposes. We also provide technical advice in the field of construction and repair of roads. Asphalt mixtures are produced according to the method…

ARTICOLOR, s. r. o.

ARTICOLOR s. r. o. je společnost se sídlem v Nemošicích, Pardubickém kraji, která byla založena v roce 1992. Jejich hlavní činností je velkoobchod barev a ředidel. Mimo to se specializují na nátěrové hmoty pro výrobní a stavební firmy, malíře, zámečníky, lakýrníky a autoopraváře. Veškeré prodávané nátěrové hmoty jsou certifikovány a doloženy bezpečnostními a katalogovými listy s prohlášením o…

BANAKO, spol. s r. o.

The company BANAKO, spol. s r. o. carries out surface treatment with powder paints. We carry out spraying using electrostatic and triboleelectric devices. The choice of these systems depends on the nature of the order and the color used. We supply powder paints for interior, exterior and facade quality. We offer high-quality foreign powder paints with Czech certificates. In stock we have…

VERAN s.r.o.

Purchase: - scrap metal - non-ferrous metals - waste paper - ecological disposal of car wrecks - operation of an advertising server - disassembly of technological units. Establishments: Veran s.r.o., U Vápenky 146, Chrudim 3 537 01 605 826 000 Veran s.r.o., Úhřetice 139, Chrudim, 538 21 739 075 069 Veran s.r.o., Gregorova 9, Netolice 384 11 739 708 050

Uhlí Hubálek

Coal warehouses Hubálek offers quality brown and black coal, coke, wood and lignite briquettes and we also sell gravel and sand. We will also bring coal to you and fold it down. You can find us in Letohrad on Tyršova street. Coal stores, sale:  - protein brown coal (cube, nut 1, nut 2)  - hard coal (walnut, peas)  - coke (nut 1)  - brown coal briquettes Rekord  - wood briquettes  -…

Ocelot wood s.r.o. - dřevovýroba

The specialization of our company is wood production. We focus mainly on the production of pallets and wooden packaging material, specifically crates. Our services also include the production of pergolas, pallet furniture and the sale of construction and carpentry lumber. We can offer you beams, laths and boards. We also have soft chipped wood available. If you are interested in our…


The company BAUSET CZ, a.s. is a purely Czech company founded in 1995. We mainly carry out water management, engineering, transport and building construction. We focus on products and services in the field of construction, especially earthworks and demolition work of any scale, engineering construction, land reclamation and rehabilitation. We also recycle construction debris, including the…

Správa a údržba silnic Pardubického kraje

The Road Administration and Maintenance Company of the Pardubice Region has been taking care of road management and maintenance for 18 years. and III. classes in the Pardubice region. Our services include routine maintenance of roads, repairs of potholes in asphalt surfaces and roads, renewal and maintenance of traffic signs, technical assistance, summer and winter maintenance, as well as the…

Pavel Koreček - montáž a prodej ochranných sítí

Installation and sale of protective nets. Mr. Koreček and his company focus on the sale and installation of safety nets. We have been supplying quality protective nets for several years and have many successful implementations behind us We install protective nets to prevent pigeons from flying in or pets from falling. We offer several basic color versions of the nets: white, beige, green…

Matěj Minář s.r.o.

Firma Matěj Minář s.r.o. se sídlem v Pardubicích nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti zemních a výkopových prací, autodopravy, likvidace odpadu, demoliční a stavební činnosti. Současně nabízíme také prodej písku a kameniva a provozujeme půjčovnu kontejnerů a stavebních strojů. V rámci stavební činnosti realizujeme např. stavbu rodinných domů na klíč, zpevňování ploch, pokládku zámkové dlažby,…


Our company based in Pardubice was founded in 2014. We not only process Solidsurface material (HANEX, KRION, CORIAN, STARON, Hi-Macs), but also offer our customers the processing of technical stone (Technistone, Silestone), natural materials (granite , marble) and ceramics (DEKTON). Thanks to the ever-expanding requirements from our customers, we also offer joinery production in conjunction with…