Production and distribution of energies

Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

TEPVOS, spol. s r.o.

The TEPVOS city company manages services for citizens and visitors of the city in these areas. Recreation services, Municipal services, Water services and Energy services. The aim of the Recreational Services section is to manage the city's recreational and sports facilities. Year-round, regular and quality provision of recreational and sports activities for residents and visitors of the city.…


Company RENT ELECTROCENTRAL - Safarik s.r.o. focuses on the supply of electricity. We provide everything from regular rental and lending of power generators, motor generators and diesel aggregates. We will provide you with complete services from regular rental including permanent service not only in Vsetín and Olomouc, but also throughout the Czech Republic. Rental and rental of spare…

Eltom, s.r.o.

Company Eltom s.r.o. focuses on electrical work in the field of LV and MV voltage. We are engaged in the construction and maintenance of public lighting equipment, perform electrical inspections and earthworks, including temporary and definitive surface treatments. We operate mainly in the districts of Ostrava, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Opava and Nový Jičín. Electrical engineer work: - complex…

ANESO s.r.o. - Správa nemovitostí Praha 6

We offer complete property management according to customer requirements. We manage cooperative homes and real estate privatized by law. You have a wide range of services to choose from, including:  - preparation, registration and monitoring of rental contracts  - control of units and timely payment of rent  - Ensuring extensive repairs  - technical and preventive inspections of technical…

GLUMBÍK s.r.o. - Výstavba rekonstrukce plynovodů

GLUMBIK Ltd. Ostrava. Assembly, repairs, service, overhauls, tests: -reserved gas equipment -manufacturing equipment. Provision: -technical support. Production: -machinery and equipment for general purposes -metal structures, boilers, bodies, containers. Activity: -engineering in investment construction -design in building. Trade: -plumber, fitter - water -heating engineer …

Správa majetkového portfolia Praha 3, a. s. - Správce nemovitostí Praha

Property Portfolio Management Prague 3, as has been offering its services to individuals, SJV, BD and Prague boroughs for more than 17 years. The offer of our services is wide, including above-standard services. We approach each customer individually in order to provide comprehensive economic, operational-technical services of facility management and operation and maintenance of heat sources. …

Vodohospodářská společnost Vrchlice - Maleč, a.s.

Vodohospodářská společnost Vrchlice - Maleč, a.s. operates water mains and wastewater treatment plants. We provide drinking water supply, sewer cleaning, wastewater disposal, closing and opening connections. We provide networking. We offer tank rental. Services: - alternative drinking water supply (water import) - sewer cleaning - waste water disposal - tank rental - closing and opening…

TECHKO, spol. s r.o.

Construction, production: - complete delivery of control stations gas, gas boilers, industrial gas pipelines - complete delivery of automated control station control systems - gas filters, electric gas preheaters and hot water exchangers - electrical control cabinets stations and installation of electrical equipment - pipe parts - sumps, welds, fittings - construction…

Harsoft - Ing. Stanislav Vacík

HARSOFT deals with technologies for water treatment. We provide projects and supplies of equipment for industry, housing units and boiler rooms. We provide reconstruction and modernization of operations, we have extensive experience in servicing treatment plants of various configurations and outputs. We also run an online store where we sell goods for water softening or disinfection, pipe…

Elektro Kroměříž a.s.

Designing, production, export, sale: -electric switchboards, low-voltage switchboards up to 6300 A -electric power switching stations up to 6300A including compensation -switchboards with control systems for technological plants -control systems for equipment. Supply for all activity branches. More details at company web site. CERTIFICATION: -quality control certificate ISO 9001 …

Union Grid s.r.o.

Union Grid s.r.o.: Přední Inovátor v Energetických Řešeních. Naše firma působí na trhu již od roku 2014. Zabýváme se především výstavbou a projektováním distribučních trafostanic, kabelových vedení, rozvoden a venkovních vedení vysokého a velmi vysokého napětí. Dále do našeho portfolia služeb patří projekční činností pro oblasti rozvoden, trafostanic, optických tras, kabelových a venkovních…

Instalatérství Antonín Vozdecký

Firma Instalatérství Antonín Vozdecký se sídlem v okrese Brno - venkov nabízí kompletní vodoinstalatérské, topenářské a plynařské práce. V rámci své činnosti provádí např. montáže, rozvody vody, topení, výměna zařizovacích předmětů do koupelen, drobné opravy od kapajícího kohoutku až po celkovou rekonstrukci vody, topení a plynu. Služby: - vodoinstalatérské práce - topenářské práce -…

Svaz vodovodů a kanalizací JIHLAVSKO

Svaz vodovodů a kanalizací JIHLAVSKO je dobrovolné sdružení 25 měst, městysů a obcí v okolí Jihlavy, které se zabývá zabezpečením zásobování pitnou vodou, odváděním a čištěním odpadních vod a rozvojem vodohospodářské infrastruktury. Svaz byl založen v roce 1993 v rámci privatizace Jihomoravských vodovodů a kanalizací s.p. Brno. Svaz je jedním ze společníků Svazu vodovodů a kanalizací měst a…


Společnost TECHNOENERGY s.r.o. je dynamická firma, která se specializuje na inženýrskou činnost v oblasti energetiky. Její hlavní doménou jsou obnovitelné zdroje energie, kde nabízí služby od projektové dokumentace až po realizaci a uvedení zařízení do provozu. Obnovitelné zdroje zahrnují: - Fotovoltaické systémy pro výrobu elektrické energie ze slunečního záření. - Bateriové úložiště pro…

EuroGiga, s.r.o.

Společnost EuroGiga, s.r.o. je dynamicky se rozvíjející společnost, která se specializuje na instalaci tepelných čerpadel, fotovoltaických elektráren a další elektroinstalační práce. Naším cílem je nabídnout vám nejlepší možnou službu a zvýšit vaši energetickou účinnost a úsporu. Máme dlouholeté zkušenosti a odborné znalosti v oblasti elektroinstalací a energetiky. Náš tým tvoří kvalifikovaní…

GEEN Holding a.s.

GEEN Holding a.s. is an energy, engineering and investment group, now consisting of 31 companies. We provide a complete service for the energy sector from building sources of electricity production to its distribution to end customers. We focus on renewable energy, we operate 6 hydro and 10 photovoltaic power plants in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. GEEN Holding is an investment and engineering…

JiTa - energo, s.r.o.

The company JiTa - energo, s.r.o. provides comprehensive electrical work, energy engineering, energy consulting and authorized energy audits, including technical certificates, financial and capital services for large energy buildings and client complexes, as well as service and emergency services for energy buildings, sites and systems. We are located at V Pařezinách 593, Prague. Services: -…


Since our establishment in 2009, our company has mainly been engaged in low-current and high-current electrical installations. We focus mainly on renewable energy sources and TOSHIBA brand air conditioning units. We have implemented countless photovoltaic power plants, including the construction of large solar parks in 2010 and the subsequent installation of PV plants on family homes. We…

IBG Česko s.r.o. - Energetická řešení

The company IBG Česko s.r.o. is a technology company providing comprehensive energy solutions. We approach each client individually. We will identify its needs, design the optimal solution, deliver and put into operation. Subsequently, we provide warranty and post-warranty service. Services - comprehensive energy solutions: - decentralized energy production - energy storage - backup power…

Městská tepelná zařízení, s.r.o.

The company Městská tepelná zařízení, s.r.o. deals with the production, distribution and service of steam, hot and potable water Production, distribution, service: - steam - heat - warm water - drinking water. We provide heat supplies to households, companies, schools, offices, etc. The activities of our company also include installation, routine maintenance and repairs of heating…

AFRY CZ s.r.o.

The company AFRY CZ s.r.o. provides design, engineering and consulting services. We help with project and cost management. Our goal is to design timeless projects of buildings and functional technological units for our clients. Our work is complex, so you can rely on our proposed procedures, technologies and constructions. Of course, we will assess the impact of the proposed investment on the…