Waste collection and purchase

Collection of secondary raw materials bought from companies and individuals steel, stainless steel, cables, electric motors, ferrous metals, copper, bronze, aluminum and iron. Purchase prices are individual and differ for each semen collection. Payments for repurchase are accounted for in kilograms.

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Brno

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Čáslav

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Mohelnice

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE Kladno s.r.o.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE Kolín s.r.o.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Jindřichův Hradec

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Karlovy Vary

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE Ústí nad Labem s.r.o.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Nasavrky

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. - Provozovna Žďár nad Sázavou

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE Pražské komunální služby a.s.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

RUMPOLD s.r.o.

Firmy skupiny RUMPOLD poskytují komplexní služby v oblasti nakládání s odpady jak pro města a obce, tak i pro průmyslové podniky, živnostníky, včetně obchodních řetězců. Sběr, svoz a transport všech druhů odpadů je zajišťován nejmodernější technikou.

RUMPOLD s.r.o.

Firmy skupiny RUMPOLD poskytují komplexní služby v oblasti nakládání s odpady jak pro města a obce, tak i pro průmyslové podniky, živnostníky, včetně obchodních řetězců. Sběr, svoz a transport všech druhů odpadů je zajišťován nejmodernější technikou.

RUMPOLD s.r.o.

Comprehensive services in the field of waste management both for cities and municipalities, as well as for industrial enterprises, self-employed people, including retail chains. The collection, collection and transport of all types of waste is ensured by the most modern technology.

Purum s.r.o.

Purum s.r.o. is a Czech company operating in the field of waste management. As part of our services, we mainly focus on the removal and transportation of waste, disposal of waste and hazardous waste, their recycling and recovery. Our services also include environmental consulting, facility management and cleaning and maintenance of sewers. You can find the offices of our company at Mníšek pod…

AHV Ekologický servis, s.r.o.

We offer the following services: - sampling, analyzes and chemical analyzes processed according to protocol at accredited laboratories - provision of suitable collection containers or delivery of packaging according to the relevant waste - delivery of containers of various volumes and subsequent removal by own vehicle according to ADR (transportation of hazardous waste) with the possibility…

První likvidační s.r.o.

Výpočet náhrady škody: - škody na věcech movitých - škody na věcech nemovitých - škody na zdraví - ztráty na výdělku - výpočet ušlého zisku. Likvidace pojistných událostí průmyslových a občanských rizik: - z povinného pojištění motorových vozidel - z havarijního pojištění motorových vozidel - z pojištění nemovitostí a ostatního majetku - z pojištění odpovědnosti ze…