Waste collection and purchase

Collection of secondary raw materials bought from companies and individuals steel, stainless steel, cables, electric motors, ferrous metals, copper, bronze, aluminum and iron. Purchase prices are individual and differ for each semen collection. Payments for repurchase are accounted for in kilograms.


Construction company. Construction activity: - turnkey buildings - work of HSV and PSV - processing of project documentation including consultancy and engineering activities - ground work - truck crane, crane. Rental: -small construction mechanisms: -mixers, returners. Production: - atypical joinery, locksmith products. Sale: -concrete mixes with transport. Storage of…


Specializujeme se na celkové rekonstrukce bytů, domů, koupelen, kuchyní, pokládkou podlah, dlažby, PVC a obkladů, komplexní instalatérskou prací, revizí, rozvody topení a plynu, instalatérské práce, odvoz suti a odpadu a to kvalitně, rychle a cenově dostupně. Zároveň jsme Vám schopni zajistit malování a gererální úklid po našich pracech.

LIGMET, a.s.

Nákup, zpracování, prodej: -kovový odpad. Kovošrot: -likvidace ocelových konstrukcí -ekologická likvidace autovraků. Prodej: -technické plyny firmy LINDE TECHNOPLYN, a.s. Pronájem: -kryté a volné skladové plochy -železniční vlečka -zdvihací a manipulační mechanizmy -volné pozemky pro výstavbu průmyslových provozů.

Petr Janoušek

Výkup barevných kovů a železného šrotu: -likvidace technologických celků a hal, ocelové konstrukce, kotelny, provozy firem apod. na celém území ČR -výkup barevných kovů, železných kovů ocelový, litinový a legovaný odpad, dle ČSN 420030 bez škodlivin a silného znečištění odvoz kovového odpadu našimi dopravními prostředky -kovové odpady nakupujeme po celé ČR, …

Služby města Pardubic a.s.

Provádíme - čištění města, údržba komunikací - likvidace odpadu - provoz veřejného osvětlení - výlepy plakátů - umístění reklamních tabulí na sloupech veřejného osvětlení. Pietní služba, Pod Břízkami 990: - nepřetržitá služba pro převozy zesnulých - sjednávání a realizace smutečních obřadů - provádění kremací. Agroservis: - ekologická likvidace autovraků - realizace…

Marius Pedersen a.s.

Range of services: Waste management: - disposal of "other" category waste on controlled areas landfills - disposal of "hazardous" waste at controlled landfills and in special facilities - rehabilitation of old environmental burdens - collection and collection of solid waste in containers from 60 to 1100 l, Eurocontainers and bulk containers - collection and collection of…

Marius Pedersen a. s. - provozovna Pardubice

Waste management: - disposal of category "O" waste in controlled landfills - Disposal of waste of category "N" in special facilities for the treatment, treatment and final disposal of hazardous waste - remediation of old environmental burdens - collection and collection of solid waste in containers - separate collection systems for waste with subsequent recovery, waste separation -…

Marius Pedersen a.s.

Container service. Waste disposal. Transportation and registration of waste. Collection, sorting and utilization of waste. Ecological consulting. Remediation of landfills. Comprehensive services in waste management. Maintenance of greenery and public lighting. Road repairs. Summer and winter road maintenance. Working with the platform. Public lighting.

MP Projekty - Člen skupiny Marius Pedersen

Comprehensive services in the area of loading with waste, including processing and treatment of waste. These are the following products: - collection and collection of municipal waste for municipal partners and commercial customers - introduction of systems for the separation of selected waste components and their subsequent recycling - collection, transportation, processing, utilization…

MP Jaroměř a.s. - Člen skupiny Marius Pedersen

Waste management: - disposal of category "O" waste at managed landfills - disposal of category "N" waste in special facilities designed for treatment, processing and final disposal of hazardous waste - rehabilitation of old environmental burdens - collection and collection of solid waste in containers - systems of separate collection of waste with their subsequent use - waste…

NAPOS, a.s.

Services, collection, collection, purchase, sorting, processing, sale: - metal waste, scrap metal - paper - plastic - colored and white glass. As part of the services we provide: - free delivery of containers of the required size (we do not charge for their replacement or rental), transport and loading with our own trucks - liquidation of technological units - keeping records of…

ZENA-PALIVA, spol. s r.o.

Fuels Sale from covered landfill: - dry coal brown, black, coke, -coal briquettes, loose and packed wood - transport to the place -cleaning with a hydraulic belt -soft, hard, dried firewood, loose and packed, chips for kindling. Sale: -propane-butane bombs 2, 10, 33kg. Drivers Mr. Křídlo 606646299 Mr. Fichtner 724173490 Transport, road transport: -national and…

BŘEMUS, spol. s r.o.

Kovosrot BREMUS, spol. s r.o. deals with the purchase, processing and sale of desired, non-ferrous metals and electrical waste. Our services also include the ecological disposal of car wrecks. We operate a collection yard in the towns of Nový Bydžov, Městec Králové and Nová Paka. Scrap metal, waste disposal, purchase, collection: - secondary materials - scrap metal, non-ferrous metals -…

Lubomír Dvořák - Stavební divize

Buildings, works, services: - complete construction and reconstruction of roads (bituminous surfaces - coated aggregates, sprayed construction) - construction and reconstruction of engineering networks (gas, sewerage, water supply, electrical distribution, telephone distribution, etc.) - laying of interlocking, concrete and granite paving (paving, manually) - construction of industrial…

Metalplast s.r.o.

Company Metalplast s.r.o. is one of the most important processors of scrap metal, especially in the Vysočina region. We provide our customers with comprehensive services in the area of purchase, treatment and sale of ferrous scrap and non-ferrous metals. Furthermore, our services include the disposal of hazardous waste and metal structures, processing of metal materials directly at the customer…