Waste collection and purchase

Collection of secondary raw materials bought from companies and individuals steel, stainless steel, cables, electric motors, ferrous metals, copper, bronze, aluminum and iron. Purchase prices are individual and differ for each semen collection. Payments for repurchase are accounted for in kilograms.

Michal PIRKL - Výkup kovového odpadu Lanškroun

Purchase of scrap metal:  - stainless steel, cast iron, steel  - waste iron  - Non-ferrous metals  - aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, lead, zinc, tin, etc.  - cables  - disposal of metal structures  - disposal of machinery  - Cable processing  - Delivery of the scrap metal container  - the sale of raw materials to processors and other traders. Citizens can return unnecessary…

VERAN s.r.o.

Purchase: - scrap metal - non-ferrous metals - waste paper - ecological disposal of car wrecks - operation of an advertising server - disassembly of technological units. Establishments: Veran s.r.o., U Vápenky 146, Chrudim 3 537 01 605 826 000 Veran s.r.o., Úhřetice 139, Chrudim, 538 21 739 075 069 Veran s.r.o., Gregorova 9, Netolice 384 11 739 708 050

Vladimír Langr - Firma POHODA

Výkup druhotných surovin a odpadů: -výkup barevných kovů -papír, papíru. Chemická analýza barevných kovů pro lepší výkupní cenu. Demontáž a řezání: -ocelové konstrukce -objekty kotelen -další provozy dle dohody. Přistavení kontejnerů pro svoz šrotu: -k dispozici AVIE kontejnerová -TATRA s rukou -možnost vážení na 50t/14m kalibrované váze.

Eurepap s.r.o.

Scrap Materials. Comprehensive services in the field of waste management. Purchase, processing, sale: - collection paper, paper waste - iron - non-ferrous metals. Processing - sorting, crushing, guillotining rolls and pressing waste. Truck transport: - foreign, international transport - domestic, national transport - forwarding activity, forwarding, vehicle recovery. …

Kovo Kameník, s.r.o.

The company Kovo Kameník s.r.o. with headquarters in Opatovice nad Labem in the Pardubice region, has been engaged in demolitions, waste disposal and construction and reconstruction of energy bridges since 2008. At the same time, within our second company Stavo Kameník, we also engage in construction activities. https://www.stavokamenik.cz. We offer demolition, demolition work, dismantling…