Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.


Non-governmental non-profit organization. Prevention, treatment and integration of people at risk of drug addiction. Outpatient treatment and counseling. Counseling center for alcohol and other addictions. U Mloka Family Center: - social activation services for families with children. Gallery U Mloka.

VIDEO W - Ing.Emil Weiss

Profesionální videozáznamy Výroba, tvorba: -videopořady-přepis 8 a 16mm filmů, diapozitivů a foto na videomédia, titulky, ozvučení STEREO, záznam HD a DVD, střih a kopie, digitální zpracování, přepis videozáznamů na DVD a BD včetně úvodního menu -reklama -krátké filmové spoty -instruktážní pořady. Fotografování: -reportážní foto ze slavnostních událostí …

Moravská filharmonie Olomouc, příspěvková organizace

The Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc is one of the leading and oldest symphony orchestras in the Czech Republic. In more than 70 years of its operation, the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra has created an extremely diverse and extensive repertoire. The Philharmonic has performed with great success in most European countries and is returning to many places abroad for the great response of the audience…

Galerie Labyrint - Mgr.Ida Reifová, Mgr.Marie Reif

The Labyrinth Gallery in Olomouc is the largest exhibition area on a commercial basis for the sale of art and the organization of author exhibitions. We present the work of leading painters, graphic artists, sculptors, designers. You will also find works by contemporary potters, jewelers, glassmakers and other gift items. In art, we present the labyrinth of the world and the paradise of the…

Jan Prutyszyn

Pořizování videozáznamů Výroba: - videopořady - videoklipy - prezentačních, instruktážní a reklamní filmy - přepisy všech videoformátů, fotek, dia, 8 a 16 mm filmů - střih a úprava již natočených záznamů.

Unie výtvarných umělců Olomoucka, z.s. - Galerie města Olomouce

The Union of Fine Artists of Olomouc is an association whose goal is to develop activities in the field of professional fine arts in a broader cultural and social context. UVUO brings together visual artists, theorists and architects from Central Moravia, other regions of the Czech Republic and abroad. At present, UVUO has a stable around 100 members. Externally, the association is represented by…