Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

POLAS VIDEOSTUDIO - Kameraman Praha, natáčení videa

Videostudio. Videos, video shows, spots, spots, virals, viral videos, instructional videos, documents, jingles, jingles, video for the web and social networks, all on a turnkey basis. Virtual studio, virtual environment, virtual world, online transmissions. Localization of videos into Czech and all other languages, dubbing, reanimation, text correction, text editing for image graphics. …

KLEINWÄCHTER holding s.r.o. - Tiskárna

KLEINWÄCHTER holding s.r.o. Frýdek Místek specializes in printing - offset, digital, bookbinding, bachelor and master print, business card production, catalogs, magazines, brochures and graphic designs. We have been on the market for 28 years and offer our customers top services on a professional level.  He specializes in: - creative graphic - digital print - offset printing -…

Alf servis, s.r.o.

The provider of wireless internet connection, including service for companies and households in Blansko and its surroundings, is Alf servis, s.r.o. We will connect your wireless TV and provide VOIP calls. Thanks to our company's wireless internet, you get a high-speed connection in your house or apartment. We have a choice of several packages: - HECTIC 35 - operation on up to 3 devices, e…

Vydavatelství STISK s.r.o. - REGION OPAVSKO

Weekly News. REGION OPAVSKO is a weekly news focused on all events in the Opava district. It provides up-to-date information from politics, sports, economy, culture and social life regularly and introduce personalities active in these spheres to the public. REGION OPAVSKO is published every Monday afternoon when it is sold through newspaper vendors in streets of Opava. From Tuesday morning…

Velká Amerika - Lomy Mořina spol. s.r.o.

The company LOMY MOŘINA spol. s r.o. operates limestone quarries in the locations of Mořina and Tetín. We extract and supply limestones suitable for chemical use and limestones with low content of CaCO3, suitable as building aggregates. We also own a former quarry Great America, which we offer for rent for film studios or for wedding ceremonies. Quarry, mining, supply:  - limestone  -…

NOVUS ORIGO - Martin Bahounek

The NOVUS ORIGO group focuses on organizing cultural events, city and castle festivities. We offer fire shows, light shows and events with unforgettable fire effects. We also deal with historical fencing and provide events of a historical nature. Services: - organizing cultural and urban events - castle and town festivities - historical performances - fire show, fire show, fire-show …

Bionaut s.r.o. - filmová a televizní produkce

Bionaut is a Czech film and television production based in Prague, founded in 1999, winner of the International Emmy, Czech Lion, Czech Film Critics Award, etc. We produce live, documentary and animated films and TV series. We are steadily creating the background for the creation of various genres with regard to their specificity: Bionaut Animation for animation, Bionaut Docs for documentaries…

Profi Press s.r.o.

Profi Press s.r.o. is a publisher of professional magazines, professional literature and specialized internet portals. based in Vinohrady, Prague. We publish a total of magazines dealing with the fields of primary agricultural production, professional horticultural production and floristic creation, as well as two professional magazines for veterinarians. We operate an internet portal for each…

Moravská galerie v Brně

The Moravian Gallery in Brno is the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic. As the only art museum in the country, it deals with art culture in a comprehensive way. He works with free art, ie painting, drawing, graphics and sculpture from the earliest period to the present, as well as with photography, applied art, graphic design and architecture. Exhibitions and expositions are enriched…

Maxin PRAGUE s.r.o. - Eventová agentura

The Maxin PRAGUE s.r.o. event agency has been providing comprehensive and highly professional services to company clients in the area of organizing meetings, congresses, conferences, events and incentive stays since 1999. Since last year, we have been able to offer brand new and very elaborate Team Buildings. We create tailor-made programs for customers regardless of the number of people, volume…

Společnost Fryderyka Chopina, spolek

Společnost Fryderyka Chopina, spolek je organizace, která se věnuje propagaci hudby a odkazu slavného polského skladatele Fryderyka Chopina. Spolek provozuje jediný památník Fryderyka Chopina v České republice, který se nachází v Mariánských Lázních, kde Chopin pobýval v roce 1836. Památník je součástí Muzea Fryderyka Chopina, kde je možné vidět originální klavír, na kterém Chopin hrál, jeho…


Hledáte místo, kde si můžete pochutnat na vynikající pizze, obědě nebo večeři? Chcete si užít příjemnou atmosféru na terase odkud můžete sledovat vaše děti, hrající si na hřišti? Toužíte po zábavě a hudbě v moderním hudebním klubu? Pak je pro vás ideální volbou MC KOLOSEUM! MC KOLOSEUM je pizzerie, restaurace a hudební klub v jednom. Nachází se na adrese Bohosudovská 210, Krupka, kde vás čeká…

Společnost Jindřicha Chalupeckého, z.s.

Společnost Jindřicha Chalupeckého je organizace, která se věnuje podpoře a prezentaci současného českého umění v mezinárodním kontextu. Byla založena v roce 1990 jako pocta významnému českému kritikovi, teoretikovi a filosofovi Jindřichu Chalupeckému (1910-1990), který se celý život angažoval v boji za osud českého umění. Mezi zakladateli Společnosti byli také akademický malíř Theodor Pištěk,…

Pavel Valeš

Společnost Pavel Valeš poskytuje BOZP školení a výcvik pro práce ve výškách Dle NV 362/2005Sb. Nabízíme také školení pro uživatele motorových pil a křovinořezů. Věnujeme se práci se dřevem. Kácíme nebezpečné stromy a vyrábíme praktické a funkční výrobky pro váš dům i zahrádku. Vyrábíme pergoly, venkovní posezení, boudy pro psy a další dřevěné výrobky. Nabízíme fotografování a videozáznamy z…

Meteor press, s.r.o.

V Brně sídlí už více než dvě desítky let polygrafická společnost Meteor Press. Tato středně velká tiskárna se za dobu své existence vypracovala mezi přední hráče na poli komerční a knižní polygrafie v regionu. Firma vznikla v roce 2007 se zaměřením na ofsetový tisk. Zakladatelé Meteor Pressu vsadili na kvalitní švýcarské tiskové stroje a systematické školení zaměstnanců. Tato strategie…

Jihočeské zemědělské muzeum, o.p.s.

South Bohemian Agricultural Museum, o.p.s. is located in the premises of a renovated farmhouse of the Wrocław family and represents not only agriculture, which was associated with the everyday life of the indigenous people, but also preserved agricultural technology, which proves the ingenuity and skills of our ancestors. We have many expositions for visitors, we offer experiential craft programs…

spolek Československé ozbrojené složky

"Czechoslovak Armed Forces" was established in 2013 and is interested in the history of the armed forces, focusing on the years after the Second World War in Czechoslovakia until its disintegration in 1993. Our goal is to show the public history in all its forms and to include it in the tour in an interactive way . Services: - museum. We operate a museum in the premises of a fallout…

Divadla Kladno s.r.o.

Kladno City Theater is one of the oldest Czech drama theaters. Varied genre repertoire consists of classical and contemporary titles, the program complements a number of accompanying events and educational activities. For example, you can visit the Petroleum Lamp, Beetle in the Head, Trap, Woman in Black, Oskar and Pink Lady and many other interesting productions. Visit us at Divadelní 1702 and…

Cirkus Humberto

Cirkus Humberto, slavný cirkus s bohatou historií a pestrou současností navštěvuje města České Republiky a jeho nabitá show stojí opravdu za zhlédnutí. Jsme nejstarší a nejslavnější cirkus v Česku a nabízíme skvělou zábavu pro celou rodinu. Můžete vidět akrobatické kousky, kouzelnické triky, klaunské vtipy, ale také obdivovat krásu a inteligenci zvířat, jako jsou koně, lvi, tygři, medvědi,…, z.s. - Pražský divadelní festival němec. jazyka

Festival of drama productions and theater projects from German-speaking countries, i.e. from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. Every year, we award the Josef Balvín award at the festival. The partners of our festival are both national and multinational companies, as well as state organizations, such as the Ministry of Culture, the Capital City of Prague, the Czech…