Museums, art galleries and exhibition rooms

Go for the culture and visit the Czech museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Waiting for you still exposure, special exhibitions or thematic exposure. Exhibition of cars, museum of science and technology or to be an exhibition of paintings – depends on your taste.

Moravská galerie v Brně

The Moravian Gallery in Brno is the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic. As the only art museum in the country, it deals with art culture in a comprehensive way. He works with free art, ie painting, drawing, graphics and sculpture from the earliest period to the present, as well as with photography, applied art, graphic design and architecture. Exhibitions and expositions are enriched…

Společnost Fryderyka Chopina, spolek

Společnost Fryderyka Chopina, spolek je organizace, která se věnuje propagaci hudby a odkazu slavného polského skladatele Fryderyka Chopina. Spolek provozuje jediný památník Fryderyka Chopina v České republice, který se nachází v Mariánských Lázních, kde Chopin pobýval v roce 1836. Památník je součástí Muzea Fryderyka Chopina, kde je možné vidět originální klavír, na kterém Chopin hrál, jeho…

Společnost Jindřicha Chalupeckého, z.s.

Společnost Jindřicha Chalupeckého je organizace, která se věnuje podpoře a prezentaci současného českého umění v mezinárodním kontextu. Byla založena v roce 1990 jako pocta významnému českému kritikovi, teoretikovi a filosofovi Jindřichu Chalupeckému (1910-1990), který se celý život angažoval v boji za osud českého umění. Mezi zakladateli Společnosti byli také akademický malíř Theodor Pištěk,…

Jihočeské zemědělské muzeum, o.p.s.

South Bohemian Agricultural Museum, o.p.s. is located in the premises of a renovated farmhouse of the Wrocław family and represents not only agriculture, which was associated with the everyday life of the indigenous people, but also preserved agricultural technology, which proves the ingenuity and skills of our ancestors. We have many expositions for visitors, we offer experiential craft programs…

spolek Československé ozbrojené složky

"Czechoslovak Armed Forces" was established in 2013 and is interested in the history of the armed forces, focusing on the years after the Second World War in Czechoslovakia until its disintegration in 1993. Our goal is to show the public history in all its forms and to include it in the tour in an interactive way . Services: - museum. We operate a museum in the premises of a fallout…

Obecní dům Praha

Hledáte místo, kde si užít kulturu, historii a gastronomii v srdci Prahy? Pak neváhejte a navštivte Obecní dům sídlící na nám. Republiky 1090/51 - jednu z nejkrásnějších secesních staveb v Evropě. Obecní dům je nejen architektonický skvost, ale také kulturní a společenské centrum, kde se konají koncerty, výstavy, přednášky, bankety, svatby a další akce. Můžete si prohlédnout nádherné sály…

Hornické muzeum Příbram, příspěvková organizace

The Příbram Mining Museum is one of the oldest museums in the Czech Republic. His professional activities follow on from the work of the former Landscape Museum in Příbram, which was founded thanks to the personal initiative of a local history researcher, head teacher Ladislav Malý, on 12 December 1886. It is the largest mining museum in the Czech Republic in terms of area and number of…

Památník Terezín

The Terezin Memorial was created at the instigation of the again restored Czechoslovakia as a memory of the national suffering of tens of thousands of people in 1947. Terezin is the only institution of its kind in the Czech Republic. You can book tours, we sell souvenirs, archivings and educational workshops. We also project documentary films in the cinema auditorium of the Lesser Fortress…

BEADGAME s.r.o. - výroba korálků a perel

The company BEADGAME s.r.o. from the district of Jablonec nad Nisou is engaged in the production of beads and pearls. As part of our services, we operate the Beadgame s.r.o. museum. and a creative workshop. Tours are suitable for families with children, schools, kindergartens and seniors. We will introduce you to the secrets of the production of glass beads, stones and products made from them,…

Muzeum Čarodějnic

The Witch Museum offers guided live tours every full hour. In the museum, you will learn that the image of a witch as an ugly, evil old woman may not always be correct. They will convince you that witches were also experienced rooters, wise sorcerers who could read cards, runes and stars in the sky. In the Museum of Witches, you will not only learn, you will discover an alchemy workshop,…