Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Taneční skupina TAKT Liberec, z.s.

Dance group TAKT Liberec, z.s. is not only a successful dance group that performs dance performances at various events, but also a dance school with dance courses for the general public. Teaching takes place in the premises of Kaplický Elementary School and Vesec Elementary School. You will find our office in Liberec, České mládeže Street. Dance group, courses: - street dance - disco dance…

František Špitálský

Prodej - porcelán - vázy Prodej - skleničky - vázy - hutné sklo - skleněné figurky Prodej - bižuterie Prodej - cukrovinky Prodej - nanuky - alkohol - nápoje Prodej - cigarety Prodej - mapy Prodej - obrazy Prodej - pohlednice - poštovní známky Prodej - suvenýry - dárkové předměty - ozdoby