Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Praha 14 kulturní

Prague 14 Cultural is a contributory organization of Prague 14, the main purpose of which is to support culture as a tool for increasing the quality of life of the inhabitants of this part of the city. The content of its activities is the mapping of the cultural and social environment of Prague 14, the development of appropriate cultural infrastructure and the implementation of artistic, leisure,…


Vzniku Galerie Karoline v Čechách předcházely firmy v Německu a ve Švýcarsku. Tyto firmy již od roku 1982 prováděly aukce a provozovaly galerie se starožitnostmi a uměleckými předměty. Vytvářely také edice (mimo jiné i Salvatora Dalího). Na jejich činnost bylo navázáno firmou First Export Import Praha s.r.o.. Firma First Export Import Praha s.r.o.začala provozovat Galerii Karoline. Ta se…

Ivana Švarcová

A space for meeting, creating, learning and relaxing. Corporate events. Creative workshops focused on henna tattoos and jagua tattoo gel, jewelry making and other art techniques. Creation and sale of designer jewelry and textiles. Sale of related supplies and materials. Yoga, massages, drumming. Company events to order We offer all-day composed programs on the topic: A day in…

ABOUT Production s.r.o.

- kulturní akce (koncerty, divadlo, kino, představení pro děti, opery) - společenské akce (módní přehlídky, benefiční akce, výstavy, filmové projekce, bankety, audiovizuální show, laser show) - incentivní turistika (lokace, organizace, doprava) - sportovní akce (turnaje, soutěže, závody, zápasy, utkání, sportovní exhibice) - hudebně taneční akce (festivaly, koncerty, klubové akce) -…

Richard Ante Radonić

Camera, editing, direction, production, sound. Rich and varied experience, and we shoot everything from documentaries, news, dramas, even weddings and so on... I don't respect QUO status The status quo is a state that cannot be changed, and there are a lot of myths, mistakes, and half-truths around the media that some use to hide and disguise themselves. You will find services with me that you…

Karel Havlík

The musical accompaniment consists of a midi sequence, keyboard synthesizer or accordion. Experience from productions at weddings, celebrations, receptions and larger public events at home and abroad. Our repertoire is very wide and includes over 300 songs of various musical styles. We always choose the production based on the group of people at the given event or on request.


Media agency for radio media. MMS Radio Network. Services. - representing regional and local radio stations. - research and analysis of the media environment - selection of the most suitable radio product according to the target client groups - preparation, planning and optimization of advertising campaigns - creation of a creative design of communication - ensuring the…


A radio station. Radio broadcasting 24 hours a day, online broadcasting. Production, broadcasting: - advertising spots - daily news, announcements - interviews with famous personalities - mobile entertainment. Media Bohemia Group holds licenses to operate two dozen radio stations and has shares in companies that are licensed to operate another nine radio stations.


A radio station. Rock radio. Radio broadcasting 24 hours a day, online broadcasting. Production, broadcasting: - advertising spots - daily news, announcements - interviews with famous personalities - mobile entertainment. Media Bohemia Group holds licenses to operate two dozen radio stations and has shares in companies that are licensed to operate another nine radio stations.


A radio station. Radio broadcasting 24 hours a day, online broadcasting. Production, broadcasting: - advertising spots - daily news, announcements - interviews with famous personalities - mobile entertainment. Media Bohemia Group holds licenses to operate two dozen radio stations and has shares in companies that are licensed to operate another nine radio stations.