Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Divadlo kouzel Pavla Kožíška - Umělecká, s.r.o.

Pavel Kožíšek's magic theater is a completely original and unique theater that has no analogues in the Czech Republic. An unconventional theater and conference hall with a capacity of 205 seats (with extensions for up to 250 seats) can also be your place for magical meetings! The theater is located just beyond the border of the capital in Líbeznice near Prague (approx. 2 km from Prague). The…

Hvězdárna a planetárium hlavního města Prahy - Štefánikova hvězdárna

Štefánik's observatory is located in Petřínské sady by the Hunger Wall, built during the reign of Charles IV. "The establishment of a public astronomical observatory in Prague, a library and reading room, accessible to the widest circles, dissemination and popularization of the results of modern astronomy" were the main goals of the Czech Astronomical Society, founded in 1917

Muzeum Policie České republiky

The Museum of the Police of the Czech Republic maps the history of the establishment, activity and development of security forces, forensic science and known forensic cases in the territory of our country. You can visit permanent exhibitions, collections or research rooms. Our museum is located at Prague 2, Ke Karlovou 1. Museum, Permanent exhibition: - activities and development of security…

Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze

Exhibition activity - new topics. After 1989, the museum tried in exhibition programme to introduce new trends - the postmodernist applied art in 1990, works of Czech artists who established themselves abroad (B.Sipek, J.Koudelka), foreign elite of their fields (D.Chihuly, S.Hicks), as well as exhibitions from its own collections (Art Nouveau, Cubism, Art Deco, Czech glass, Posters, Photographs)…

SAT Plus, s.r.o.

Provoz TV programů UPC EXPRESS, FUN1, HD+. TV produkce a postprodukce (HD a SD i ve 3D), výroba TV spotů, reportáže, dodávka TV technologie, výroba a správa dat, informační TV systémy, odbavovací zařízení. Pronájem techniky, studia a reklamního prostoru ve vysílání. Poskytujeme fullservice v oblasti broadcastingu a digitální postprodukce.