Culture and entertainment

Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.


Kapela FALZET je tříčlenná hudební skupina se dvěma ženskými vokály. Postaráme se o hudební doprovod maturitního plesu, svatby, firemního večírku, taneční zábavy i oslavy narozenin. Hrajeme naživo největší české i světové hity. A pokud budete chtít, uspořádáme Vám po vystoupení kapely diskotéku. Hrajeme hudbu mnoha žánrů, nejčastěji je to pop-rock.

Martin Bernard

Folding: - songs on wish, songs on wish - according to your proposal: - an original and unconventional gift for any occasion - original text, original music - studio recording of the song, mastering - delivery on CD. Singer, musician: - live music for a party, company party, family celebration, wedding - provision of music production.

Dvorní zookoutek U Pipinga, z.s. - nestátní nezisková organizace

Non - governmental non - profit organization (association). ZOOkoutek: - Teddy rabbits, blue crowned peacocks and mutations, dogs Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, horses, Nanda Pampas, Great Raven, Porcupine Bennet's, Kangaroo Bennet, Gottingen mini pigs, mini bugs, mini goats, minipons, small hens, water pheasant, chinchillas, chinchillas, turtles, Indian runners, barn owls, barn…

SKANDÁLIA - Katel Peterka

Svitavy Fencing Theater Company. Historical Fencing Group: - focus on the period of the Thirty Years' War, Baroque, Rococo, the seven years' war and the Gothic - performance using cords, Polish saber, halberd and partisans - offer demonstrations of duels, theater, honor guard and period military camp. Roofing, roofing work. Carpentry, carpentry work.

Chili con Film - Chili con Film s.r.o.

We shoot videos where we want to capture what makes the customer unique and, of course, meet his needs for the specified video. We will create a well-functioning means to achieve client goals. The fact that the video will be perfectly processed is a matter of course for us, we focus on what it is for the customer. Viktor has to make the video technically perfect and dull, and emotions work and…