Engineering trades

Crafts are made up of the largest part of the engineering works. Between the engineering crafts include blacksmithing, brusičství, machining work, welding work or metal work needed, for example when repairing the home or the manufacture of metal components.

Vojtěch Krasnický

Výroba - vrata - brány Výroba - kovové dveře Výroba - zábradlí - schodiště Výroba, montáž - ocelové konstrukce Stříhání plechů Svářečské práce Ohýbání plechů Stavební zámečnictví

VYORAL group a.s.

Turning of components on CNC lathes Deco 10, DECO 20, ESCOMATIC D2, long-turning automatic lathes AD6, AD16, AD25 and turret automats A20B, A40. Machining on NC lathes S42 and S50. Rotary grinding on centerless and centerless grinders Thread rolling - machining of rotating parts

Unitech Czech, s.r.o.

Business activity - intermediation of trade and services Delivery - OKUMA, ROMI and SUGINO CNC machine tools - CITIZEN CNC long-turn lathes - ChipBlaster high pressure units - Breuning Irco bar feeders Extraction of aerosol from the workspace of CNC machines Complete processing of machining technologies Activity of technical consultants in the field of…